Favorite team:LSU 
Location:North of Houston a bit
Number of Posts:6383
Registered on:3/29/2012
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[quote]I had one on my old vehicle and i always had it open, but thats also because i was a smoker. You just put your hand up and it auto ashes for you.[/quote] Until that ember 1/1,000,000's you and burns your car down to look like the rental in Planes, Trains and Automobiles....
Generational thing. I feel like unless you grew up watching Jordan you really can't appreciate how dominant in his era that he was. You'd be a fool to say that LJ hasn't had a huge impact on every team he's been on, but he never truly established dominance over every player in the league. I'd say Ko...
[quote]stout[/quote] Should be renamed to dense....
Lol I wonder why Oakland is turning into an economic desert. Must be the weather....
Given the low profit margins on gas I think they turn the pump speed down to make you want to go in and get something to drink. This reason and the original aggrivations posted above is why I pump gas at Costco or Sam's. 20G tank is full and I'm in and out in less than 5 mins....
[quote]I pretty much have to wear gloves all crawfish season[/quote] Man, you sound like a real bitch. If I saw some hyper-allergenic nerd walking around with gloves during crawfish season I'd pull a spare crawfish out of my pocket and chase them with it. ...
[quote]White House issues statement opposing gender-affirming surgery for minors[/quote] Did anyone else initially read that as Waffle House? Hard to tell the difference between the two these days. ...
[quote]HE'S A GOOD QUARTERBACK!!![/quote] Would have been better if he ever figured out how to tie his shoes. (For those of you that are daft, his shoes were untied in that picture.)...
Shawshank Redemption for me....

re: Talia Al Ghul death scene

Posted by bountyhunter on 7/2/24 at 5:10 pm
[quote]Always hated the way Bane went out Still love the movie[/quote] Given how the comics portrayed Ra's al Ghul as this semi-immortal being that kept finding ways to return and plague Batman, I thought it would have been better if the character returned in tandem with Talia and Bane. I felt l...

re: The French Quarter is lost

Posted by bountyhunter on 7/1/24 at 2:43 pm
[quote]Katrina washed a lot of the bullshite 70 miles to the west, further greasing Baton Rouge's skid to shithole status. We don't need another dose of that.[/quote] Spring was a nice town until Katrina from what I hear. Now it's scary. Still better than BR though....

re: Mile High cheater on United 2140

Posted by bountyhunter on 6/25/24 at 11:30 pm
[quote]Now his daughter will see these articles for the rest of her life when she googles his name.[/quote] Sounds like her dad didn't take that into consideration when he was trying to get some strange while on a business trip. I have no sympathy for someone who's willing to break their vows....
I don't mind them if they're meaningful. But to be honest, they're not for me and I don't have to live with the decision for the rest of my life. My wife has one but it's very small and hardly noticeable; it's a part of her late grandmother's favorite Bible verse. I'll probably never get one b...

re: Minnesota dam failure

Posted by bountyhunter on 6/24/24 at 5:09 pm
Don't know that area, I wonder how much inhabited land is about to be reclaimed by the river....
The whole clean river Seine project is interesting. The money that's been spent with little/no improvement makes one wonder if they outsourced the whole project to Louisiana. ...
Right at the beginning when they invaded Poland and anytime after the failed offensive in the Ardennes (early 45). When Britain and France declared war the world hadn't fully processed the Germans' capabilities in combined arms warfare. Many thought that WW2 was going to be a long, static war li...
Quintessential coming of age film morphs into an age hath cometh film. Sounds awful. ...
[quote]The guy isn't a great HC (still has a chance to get better by the way. [/quote] The guy has plenty of games recorded that says he's not going to get better....
[quote]two Neanderthals[/quote] Wrong origin species sir....
[quote]Ramcyzk isn't on the list?[/quote] He was playing like a future first-ballot hall of famer prior to that. Not to mention he was being plugged in holes all along the offensive line his first 4 years. Hell, while he was playing LT when Armstead was perpetually hurt, wasn't he in the top 5 on P...