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Go pro, contour or something else?

Posted by LaRon on 10/11/14 at 2:03 am
Looking to get a small waterproof type camera that I can throw on the back of my boat to record ski sessions and stuff. The go pros looked nice and had the perfect mounts I could use for specific locations on my boat. Contours looked good as well. I basically just need something that is water pro
Went skiing 2 days ago and probably swallowed some water. Throat is red and has white patches. Also running fever and getting chills(haven't taken temp)

Should I take medicine and ride it out or go get a shot from the doc-in-a-box


debating which one I should get. we will be taking the boat out often and I want to be able to ski when the water gets cold.

would a 1.5mm wetsuit be too thin ?

re: Big Origin Sale: some games 50% off.

Posted by LaRon on 4/19/14 at 12:48 pm

Bf3 was bumped down to $5 today
Ive never played a BF games before

I was about to get BF4 to give it a shot, but would it be a better idea to get BF3 and see how I like it first ?

Or should I just go BF4 right of the bat ?

Skip that bull shite and go straight to LASIK

lasik not an option b/c of the shape of my eye
I've never worn them before and my right eye is bad so I only wear one lens. my right eye has felt hot/dry/itchy so I need to put drops in often. Is this normal ? the optometrist said it should get better in a week.

I have the air optix brand. For those who wear contacts, will my eye adjust wi

is there a major difference in the private and catholic schools here?

Save yourself the $ and send him to a Catholic school (or ben franklin)

if you think your kid is dumb and wont be able to make the grades, then send him to private school. as long as you are paying that tuit
this isn't gay, me and my friends take pics like this all the time

anyone use an hd monitor w/ consoles ?

Posted by LaRon on 4/9/13 at 11:49 pm
does ps3/360 look better through hdmi on a HD computer monitor than it would on an hdtv ?

im assuming 360 and ps3 wouldnt be able to take advantage of the high resolutions monitors are capable of, but just thought id ask

if that's the case, would next gen systems be superior on high resolutio

re: Bioshock Spoilers Thread

Posted by LaRon on 4/8/13 at 12:57 am
i would of liked to see them extend the end a little more.

they could of easily made the game atleast 15-20 hours gameplay.

so much stuff at the end that they could of done a lot with.

re: Bioshock Spoilers Thread

Posted by LaRon on 4/7/13 at 11:53 pm
I liked the ending, but I agree with what you said

too much too fast

re: Question re: bioshock series

Posted by LaRon on 4/6/13 at 10:08 am
how about a spoilers warning you cock bitch piece of shite

Edit: **** dipshit

re: Mega Man X3 is the devil

Posted by LaRon on 4/2/13 at 11:57 pm
give it to me

re: Bioshock 1 and 2 download for $5

Posted by LaRon on 4/2/13 at 9:11 pm

as sbr2 said you can't be logged into the same account on two computers at the same time.


if that happens they will freeze my account of something ?

and Im assuming all these websites work the same way pretty much with pc game downloads ? is steam any better or wo

re: Bioshock 1 and 2 download for $5

Posted by LaRon on 4/2/13 at 8:22 pm
[quote]Nope you have it for as long as the sells is still in business. Usually if someone is going to go under another company will buy them out, that's how I ended up with a Gamergate account.

With accounts like this your games are always with you (not the saved game) so you can download them an

re: Bioshock 1 and 2 download for $5

Posted by LaRon on 4/2/13 at 7:14 pm
so you only have the digital copy of the game for the life of your pc/hard drive ?

if the pc crashes im screwed out of all my games ?

re: Bioshock 1 and 2 download for $5

Posted by LaRon on 4/2/13 at 6:47 pm

I dont really ever buy pc games. only bought infinite off of steam.

how does it work if I want to play this game on another PC, or is there any downside to purchasing from gamefly as opposed to waiting for a steam sale

Can i save it to a gamefly account and be able to downloa

re: Bioshock Spoilers Thread

Posted by LaRon on 3/29/13 at 10:00 pm

this page pretty much explains everything for those who are completely lost or pissed off at the ending