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re: Mograyback.......

Posted by mograyback on 10/4/13 at 12:54 am

eta: to delete emoticons as I don't think he likes those.

Made me laugh. Funny that you remember that. It's only when someone name jbird does it, I was probably irritated with him about it one time and took it out on you.

Thanks for getting and welcoming me back, everybody.
Why are you so fired up?

You said you didn't say it first, but then I showed that you did. That is all.

Ice, go ahead and check this one as an alter too please sir.

You're on a roll.

No one likes a rat.

Didn't you watch Bronx Tale?
Just responding to our dialogue about you saying it first..

I didn't say it first. Your fellow Mizzou posters are hoping that you are drunk.

That's how bad you are.


See page 1.


Are you fricking drunk?


Who the frick is hammered drunk at 7 (hell, 5) on a Tuesday?

why do you keep repeating this, I'm not drunk.
I appreciate it remote and killz

my time has come.

He personally attacks people for no reason at all.

Most of the time there is plenty reason.

Lately, some innocents have got caught in the crossfire.

You're just a piece of shite. I don't care how many Mizzou posters take up for you.

Prob none will.


You drunk frick.

I don't drink muh. Sorry. al'kja imad tellig 'the truth. lol

Ad now I could make a thread w quotes from you and it wouldn't look good.

I almost forgot about how a day or 2 ago

You didn't almost forget, it's why you're leading the troops.

There was a point and time I would've gone to bat for him because he had been a decent enough poster outside of the Poli Board that it wasn't an issue. As of his condescending bullshite the other night, I support.

Sorry I didn't come have sex w you when you asked. And didn't let

re: Mizzou Self Help Thread

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:39 pm
See ya Killz

Been an enjoyment knowin ya.

Kilo, cubs fan, semo, remote, n the rest.

re: Do you support bombing Syria?

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:33 pm

who does nothing but degrade people every chance you get on this board.

I wonder why?

This thread is a point in case.

re: Do you support bombing Syria?

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:33 pm

Does that mean you're leaving? MoGray is a PUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSYYYYYYYYYYY

That was in response to why I did what I did.. you can't be this slow for real.

re: Do you support bombing Syria?

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:31 pm
im assuming your talking about this but i guess me being funny kinda went over your head, but clearly earlier in this thread i made a statement to the lines of "glass the whole place"

im guessing you just jumped in to attack someone to make yourself look "cool"

well done sir [/quote

re: Do you support bombing Syria?

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:30 pm

so you have no opinion and your just asking a question in a thread that clearly asks you do you support bombing?

Yeah I do, I expressed it multiple times in this thread, as well as agreeing with those that shared my opinion.

re: Do you support bombing Syria?

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:27 pm

Does nothing but flame and/or bring negativity to the board and deserves to be banned.

Your outlook on foreign conflict isn't an issue at this point. You're just a fricking prick.

I've had enough of being attacked for no reason other than having a different perspective all ov

re: Do you support bombing Syria?

Posted by mograyback on 8/27/13 at 6:24 pm

alternate huh? like what...we should just let them blow each other away and use chemical weapons at will?

You directly responded to someone earlier that shares my belief, and you still don't know what he was saying.