Favorite team:Auburn 
Location:SEC Country
Number of Posts:17
Registered on:1/29/2011
Online Status:Not Online

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So are you saying that everyone must get the flu vaccine and show proof to live normally, or that everyone must get tested for Hepatitis weekly?...
yeah I kind of got that vibe....but damn I get tired of seeing boog...I dont call bama fans anything derogatory. I'm not going for the internet tough guy thing.....Ive got plenty of real Alabama Grads as co workers or friends...I watched the game last night with Auburn, Georgia, and Alabama grads...
heres one........Bama fans hate Auburn....why....because unless your 70 this is why......Auburn Usually Beats Us 'Round November...... I know its lame and trite...but I still think its funny and if you don't...I don't care..... Funny Ive never had a bama fan call me a boog......its only intern...
The Malzahns are so funny I cant stop laughing....
This board, especially this thread is full of 12 year olds. I think TD needs to do an age check before allowing people to sign up. Why is it I never hear this kind of silliness when I go to work? Everyone knows I am Auburn fan yet none of the UGA folks or the UA grads (yes they do exist) act so c...
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maybe we'll snag us another shot, maybe not. Either way, the SEC will tote the crystal rock again. ______________________________________________________________________________________________...
Lemonier is going to be a BEAST before he leaves....
Just saw the SECRant on the local Fox news with a story about this very subject. No permit was applied for, and the Sheriff in Lee County confirmed that the area would not be shut down after the game unless AU were to win....
The high school in my town had the roof blown off and the 911 center was demolished. Had to go pick up my kids from school. The little map dot I'm from is a bit chaotic....courthouse got hit, high school, sheriffs office, 911 center. But the important thing is that so far there were no injuries r...
They were known as "thugga" long before last years game. I sincerely hope that Gene Chizik does not allow the AU players to stomp on the G before the game, unlike CMR who urges his players to stomp on the other teams logo. Uggar started it last year when they stomped on the AU logo pregame. CMR h...
No doubt - after this I'm an LSU fan....
Take the starters out - we still need to win another game....
Way to go D....hold them to a Field Goal ...
Omac hasnt met a sideline yet he didnt like...
There we go Lutzie....lets get this moving...
The crowd needs to start teh chants of Frazier....Frazier....Frazier.....he looks like Cam jr....
That should have counted as 21 points..............