Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
Biography:Life long tiger fan from New Orleans
Number of Posts:18
Registered on:1/14/2011
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re: Official Scrimmage Thread

Posted by WesF on 8/13/11 at 4:51 pm
[quote]What are we talking about with Beckham specifically? What are his strengths? I watched his highlight tape, and he seemed to be the smoothest athlete in the country. I just want to know what exactly is making everyone rave about Beckham. [/quote] Ball Skill are what made him stand out ...
Awesome post, probably my favorite player in the NFL and the fact that he works out in a polo seals the deal. Yeah he got trucked by Jacobs but Jacobs went down about 2 steps later...

re: Best Retro Jerseys?

Posted by WesF on 5/3/11 at 9:25 pm
Yeah my search for retro jerseys lead me to that cheap site do I'd be interested in this too...

re: How many of your recruits will play

Posted by WesF on 1/28/11 at 10:54 am
[quote]i see only two getting some playing time. anthony johnson and jarvis landry. that's it. and that's even a maybe. [/quote] What about Rasco? Also Hilliard and Collins could get some PT...

re: Big Ten elitism

Posted by WesF on 1/27/11 at 9:13 pm
[quote]Have better academics and they will stop.[/quote] Most SEC fans will admit that their school is academically unequal to most Big 10 schools though, Big 10 Fans have the nerve to put their school on the same level as SEC schools in football and that's just blatantly wrong....
Great Post, this stuff is pretty hard to find...

The Future of LSU Football...

Posted by WesF on 1/23/11 at 12:30 am
Chase Clement is a beast... [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs616.snc4/59651_1514825444369_1646450044_1197628_5072105_n.jpg[/img]...

re: Bleacher Report Power Rankings

Posted by WesF on 1/21/11 at 1:32 pm
It takes literally no credentials to be a writer on bleacher report, and everyone that writes there has a huge Big 10 Bias...
Peyton, Eli, and Cooper Manning. Also Randy Livingston. Isidore Newman...

re: Will Hill is a Thug

Posted by WesF on 1/21/11 at 9:36 am
While this does go on at most universities, most coaches are smart enough to limit or monitor their player's twitter use....

Will Hill is a Thug

Posted by WesF on 1/21/11 at 9:16 am
Check out this article on Florida's Will Hill's twitter account, to think that it was rumored that Urban Meyer would take over the coaching job if Les left. Keep your players in line. [link=(http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/2011/1/19/1943956/the-happy-football-life-of-will-hill)]LINK[/link]...
Regardless of who takes over, run heavy or pass heavy, Shepard is a weapon that has to be used...
Shepard showed signs of explosiveness early in the season, but in big SEC games he was nowhere to be found. Will he get significantly more touches with a new OC and a year of experience under his belt? Any reps as a RB?...