Favorite team:Alabama 
Biography:Graduated from Alabama in 2009
Interests:football (Titans,Bama), Golf, Drinking, women
Occupation:State Farm Insurance
Number of Posts:46
Registered on:7/3/2010
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re: Is Cam a bad guy?

Posted by Bama09grad on 11/9/10 at 10:46 am
he is a bad man on the field...
UF vs Aub will be a fun game not #1 Bama vs #2 UF and #1 Florida vs #2 Bama but still a fun game, especially with these added stories about Cam...

re: Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 4:47 pm
yeah i can see that. i guess i just dont EXPECT anything except for them to play their hardest. thats all i can "expect"...
[quote]It would likely end up going to Brett Favre.[/quote] 20 years 1 Super Bowl. hopefully manning will get another...well not at the expense of the titans...
thats what i meant by labeled. i didnt say he WAS one. IMO he is the best QB of all time...

re: Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 3:23 pm
[quote]Cue the Bama arrogance posts...[/quote] well basically you've predicted between 0-4 losses....i doubt many would see that as "arrogant"...
[quote]Mm, not quite. UT had the possibility of playing for an outright national championship if Michigan was to lose the Rose Bowl[/quote] well ok..i was only 11 at the time so i was going off of too much memory. but i still think the fact michigan was undefeated was a HUGE factor...

re: Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 3:11 pm
true but this team is also more talented....
[quote]Valid argument in hindsight[/quote] well everyone knew michigan was playing for a split title and UT wasnt. + i think the UF cloud hung over manning rather you blame him or chavis. the guy was a labeled choker until he finally won an NFL Playoff game...

re: Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 3:06 pm
[quote]We are better suited for another title run in 2011. The schedule as road games at Penn State and Florida, but everything else is at home. Plus we should return 17-18 starters.[/quote] i agree but who thought in 08 we would beat clemson win AT arky AT UGA AT Tennessee AT LSU to make a run at ...

re: Watching the '09 IB again...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 3:04 pm
[quote]Not without an offense.[/quote] we dont know about their offense we havent seen them play...

re: Watching the '09 IB again...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 3:01 pm
[quote]Look at the drives. You had one huge run that accounted for 1/3 of your yards. There was a blatant hold by a WR on it that wasn't called. I give Au props for 3 big plays, but outside of that, the offense and the play calling were terrible, as attested to by so many 3 and outs. Your defense ca...

re: Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 2:50 pm
ok maybe its just the people im around...just curious...cause i know some SAY they expect it, but really dont. i know we all HOPE IT...
Manning couldnt beat Florida. Michigan won the title. Not that woodson is better but i would say thats why....

re: Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 2:18 pm
yeah but as least you just say it. i hate when people say "We will lose to Florida in the SEC" like in 2008 then they throw a damn fit when it does. "JP sucks, we were overrated, blah blah. i was pissed as well but i try not to trash the players...

Come on Bama fans admit it...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 2:13 pm
im just like everyone else expecting us to lose a few games this year. BUT when it actually happens, our fan base usually behave in a way that would lead you to think it WAS NOT expected. I think our fans just say "I think we will lose 2" just because they think somehow it doesnt jinx us. I think...

re: Watching the '09 IB again...

Posted by Bama09grad on 8/27/10 at 2:10 pm
i was at that one and i admit i was a nega-tider big time. i thought we were toast. i never thought we were gonna win until that last past was knocked down...