Favorite team:LSU 
Occupation:Trophy Wife
Number of Posts:18
Registered on:5/6/2009
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re: Terry Joseph to LSU?

Posted by LaFleurDeLis on 12/1/21 at 6:45 pm
He left Notre Dame because they made Marcus Freeman the DC and he wanted that job. Had a big falling out with Kelly and Elston....

re: Cost of dental deep cleaning

Posted by LaFleurDeLis on 8/15/20 at 3:25 pm
Hygienist here. If the dentist is doing your cleaning, find a new office. Also, the person assisting the dentist is the dental ASSISTANT. Hygienists don't assist the dentist. ...

re: Cost of dental deep cleaning

Posted by LaFleurDeLis on 8/14/20 at 4:07 pm
This is correct. We charge $250/quad. I'm a dental hygienist and I do these types of cleanings (scaling and root planing, also known as SRP). We usually try to do it in two visits of two hours each (example, right side top and bottom, then left side top and bottom)....
[quote]Nope. Simple procedure with same healing timeframe and appearance as most periodontal surgeries. Other than the sutures and some minor inflammatory response, you mostly would not even know that a surgery has been done.  [/quote] Yep. I've seen many patients who were in the process of reco...
Those google images tend to be worst case scenarios. Most tori are on the smaller to medium side and, like a lot of you in this thread, most people aren't even aware they have them or of their existence unless they are told they have them. I've had a few patients who had unbelievably large ones and ...
I mostly just visit for the comments and quick wit of the OT. ...
Those are called exostosis/es. They are tori, just in the buccal location instead of lingual location. I have seen some so large, they form a "shelf" and can trap food above or below them in the vestibule. All types of tori have a hereditary component but yes, clenching can also contribute to extra ...
I never knew either until dental hygiene school and we had to do exams on each other and I was told I had them. Mine are so small that I can't really feel them with my tongue, but I can if I rub the sites with my finger. My best friend has them, though, and they are so large that I can see them when...
They are called tori (multiple) or torus (singular). Some people have them, some don't. Some of them can be HUGE and need to be removed because they are so large they interfere with tongue space, chewing, and talking. I have small ones on the floor of my mouth and a small one in the center of my har...
I live in Kyle but am moving back to BR and my house is for sale! This is a great place to live, you'll love it. I've been here over 5 years and am moving back just to be closer to all of my family....

re: What to do in Austin, TX

Posted by LaFleurDeLis on 8/8/17 at 1:38 pm
I live in Kyle, right next to Buda. But I don't get out much so I don't really have any suggestions for you; I'm just getting ideas for myself from other people's suggestions....