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re: lnst

Posted by geaux88 on 1/19/22 at 10:49 pm
Cheese & crackers, water and mixed berry flavored vape. ...
[quote]Keep in mind that President* Biden just gave his longest press conference as President and only his second full press conference.[/quote] FIFY...
[quote]It's always been that way. Going back to JFK.[/quote] Incredibly stupid and false statement by an obviously brainwashed demsheep. ...
[quote]Belgium is no longer using Moderna to vaccinate people under 31 years old.[/quote] Hmmmm....I wonder if Christian Eriksen (the Swedish soccer player who collapsed and flatlined for a few minutes during the Euros) had the Moderna vax..? Just conjecture, but would be interested to know........
[quote]. Not all of them are but you can bet a lot of the J6 so-called "patriots" definitely share the same views as the Nazis. This is a fact.[/quote] What a sniveling mentally ill brainwashed buttfricker you are. Absolutely the most STUPID thing said on this board in a good while....
My first wet dream. Dad explained it later that it was OK on the way to the store the next day after he asked what was bothering me and I told him. ...
[quote]Especially decades after the fact.[/quote] What about the many cases in many parts of the world that involves little boys, and not just an age of consent female? ...
[quote] I don’t know what the set up is in Europe, but the only doctors may be the ones pitch side.[/quote] Hate to sound like an ugly American, but if the above is true they need to change it. Don’t stop a match or (a game in the US) because of an incident in the stands. ...
I guess I’m lucky. I have always been passionate for LSU football since I was a young boy thanks to my dad. He passed after 85 years this past December 29th on his own terms, but I digress…… The reason I’m lucky is that I also love and enjoy LSU baseball and basketball (almost) as much, and I...
Soooo, they are seeking a reporter who values the principles of our founding fathers (which is what they label as “right wing”)?...
An old Ad from the early ‘80’s about the ‘83 Mustang GT… visuals of fire in a steel factory and the tag line, “The Boss is Back..” Had already been looking but bought one a week later. ...
[quote] I think she’s pretty swell looking. [/quote] She makes me swell. ...

re: Angry Biden

Posted by geaux88 on 1/14/22 at 1:26 pm
A mixture of dementia and soggy shite stained diaper rash. ...

re: Tell me about Harry Reid...

Posted by geaux88 on 1/13/22 at 11:05 pm
Dennis Miller’s opinion of that disgusting piece of filth. I wholeheartedly share his opinion. [link=(https://youtu.be/ZmGO_bTgIf4)]Miller on Dingy Harry Reid[/link]...

re: Biden walks like a cartoon

Posted by geaux88 on 1/13/22 at 4:04 pm
It is hysterically comical and totally cringe worthy when he attempts to do that stupid attempt at appearing to jog to the podium in past appearances. I’m sure that has our adversaries just quaking in their boots. He is a pathetic little puppet. ...
[quote]Why OPEC+ Didn’t Respond To U.S. Calls For More Oil[/quote] Because Brandon is a pathetic stupid loser. More to follow at 10. ...
[quote]celebrates African culture in a positive way.[/quote] Sniveling pandering weakness. Why would the Constitutional Republic called the United States of America celebrate cultures of the African continent? ...

re: Praise for Harry Reid?

Posted by geaux88 on 12/29/21 at 12:12 am
Harry Reid is a piece of filth traitor garbage. There is no praise for that piece of shite. He was the epitome of evil scum. frick Harry Reid. ...
[quote]also realizing how excited people were about Daronte and Peetz coming in[/quote] What? ...