Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Location:Oxford, MS
Number of Posts:5061
Registered on:1/12/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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Deep down? He shows it on the surface. Not much peeling back of the layers to find his terrible human nature. ...
I don’t know what the expectations are for these two dueling pitchers. Also, Gig ‘em. I never thought I’d say that. Spare America the sight of Tony Vitello having anything good happen to him. ...
And this figure isn’t even counting all the Ags down in the men stalls doing butt fetch...
You hired a 65 year old Calipari. Maybe the old magic can last to make Ark relevant again....
Both Hugh and Bruce need a better vehicle if they ever want to win it all. It will never get done at that miserable shite hole. ...
[quote]Did you see them before he arrived? Peeeeeee uuuuu.[/quote] It’s a much easier basketball season when your team just sucks arse from beginning to finish. See Ole Miss. Basketball season is a breeze for us. I couldn’t handle the regular season success with great postseason promise only to...

Bruce will never win the big one

Posted by PharmacistReb on 3/22/24 at 6:48 pm
What’s the point in continuing this masochism of false hope? ...
So the demand for houses in Trump country is exceedingly lower than the demand for houses in Biden country. Interesting point. Thank you for sharing. ...
Arkansas is the worst team in the conference. Vandy would whip dat arse. ...
Congrats on the SEC West titles. I’ve always been so envious of losing in Atlanta by double digits in the early to mid 2000s. Finishing in the top 10 and winning NY6 games in the modern era sort of secondary to the idea of losing by double digits to Georgia in Atlanta during the Bush era. Well do...
[img]https://media.tenor.com/4JXjP0emK2kAAAAM/creepy-brian-kelly.gif[/img] Humping recruits from behind is certainly a “fit”...
How many humans would survive without oxygen? What if Mars attacks? What if Brian Kelly didn’t twerk on teenagers? [img]https://media.tenor.com/4JXjP0emK2kAAAAM/creepy-brian-kelly.gif[/img] ...
Other than track and field, what does Arkansas bring to the conference?...
[quote]OM fans are delusional like the sky is blue[/quote] I would club a baby seal for a blue sky and sunshine right now. ...

re: Arkansas Football Elite?

Posted by PharmacistReb on 1/12/24 at 12:45 pm
[quote]Depends on your criteria. If you value average seasons, Arkansas is probably at the bottom. If you value championships, even division championships, Ole Miss is the worst.[/quote] What if we include schools that have stolen from children’s hospitals in an effort to win at college ath...

re: Arkansas Football Elite?

Posted by PharmacistReb on 1/12/24 at 12:33 pm
Momentoftruth had to let another commuter car through the hydraulic airport gate before he could respond to this. Does the tiny box get claustrophobic? Is there enough room to store your Mountain Dews? ...
[quote]momentoftruth87[/quote] Is there some backstory to why this guy posts about Ole Miss almost exclusively? Other than the pictures of the wife from a few years ago, I don’t remember why the Ole Miss stuff. ...
What is Brian Kelly’s shining achievement, exactly? Getting his arse kicked in 2012 by Bama? One of his sterling season at Cincinnati? Taking a Heisman QB and shatting the bed in every way possible and barely scraping by a 7 win Wisconsin? Your coach blows, yo. ...
Brian Kelly took one of the all time great dual threat QBs of the college game and proceeded to field the worst defense of all time behind him to limp away with a win against a 7 win Wisconsin in the final game to finish a 3 loss season. I mean… I don’t even understand how LSU fans gaslight thems...
If Alabama hires Tommy Rees, I don’t expect Bryant Denny to be standing by MLK Jr Day. Gumps will burn that mf’er to the ground. ...