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Registered on:2/28/2024
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The whole road rage incident, with the funny commercial on the radio, reminds me of GTA....
[quote]End up beholden to the left?[/quote] Wray explained it during his testimony a while back. Said that the FBI is now focusing on hiring college grads from Ivy league schools (he spoke like this was a good thing). In the old days, the FBI was comprised of Cops who worked their way up or c...
Daily Beast is not a "news" outlet and I don't even think they would tell you they are. They are a leftist propaganda outfit. Linking anything they write is pointless because it's all so predictable, asinine, and not worth anyone's time....
I don't know much about this case, so I have a question: Was she supposed to make sure the gun was clear of rounds all together? Or were they going to use live blanks and she accidentally let a real round slip in? Was it a revolver or automatic?...
[b]Ancient times:[/b] Archimedes, Aristotle, Alexander the Great [b]Renaissance:[/b] Newton, Leibniz, Da Vinci [b]Modern era:[/b] Einstein, Von Neumann It's hard to pick one. ...
[quote]A wrongful death lawsuit filed by the surviving victims alleges the 26-year-old [b]New Jersey native[/b] was triple the legal limit[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.co%2Fimages%2Fbf49d7b51b48fdfaf07c9ed2eba324e9%2Fraw&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=63f12...
Population is too big. More competition (more demand) equals out of control prices. And it will only get worse as our population spirals out of control. We will be at a billion people in the coming decades....
I haven't done it yet, but I think I am going to put in a request that if I ever end up braindead or severely disabled, to please pull the plug in the hospital. No way would I want to be a burden on someone else like this. I bet if Brandon could go back before his wreck and be asked if he would ...

re: Does anyone have any BUDS stories?

Posted by OneOlBaw on 3/4/24 at 11:53 pm
[quote]I only have lowly Ranger and Sapper school[/quote] From what I understand, getting the Ranger tab is not the same as "being" a Ranger. I have heard Rangers explain it but I guess what they are trying to say is that people who serve in the Ranger regiments did a lot more than just getting t...

re: Does anyone have any BUDS stories?

Posted by OneOlBaw on 3/4/24 at 11:46 pm
One of my childhood friends was a Green Beret for several years. Later, he went to Delta selection and passed. He was a Delta operator for about a decade and saw action in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries. Never had any interaction with SEALs. A family member of mine works with a former SE...
Sierra Ky. She has a Youtube and OnlyFans. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi0.wp.com%2Fmarketbusinesstimes.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F10%2F3_11zon-5.jpg%3Fresize%3D800%252C689%26ssl%3D1&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b10930b2e3d089e1caecc149004dc680f3da7f62358606ecfa24...
It's not "Spring Break." Most of those people have never finished high-school, much less been enrolled in a university. ...
Where were these "sealed" arrests back when I was getting arrested?...
Whenever the media says "experts warn" you know a load of bullshite is about to follow....
I will always remember the guy who discussed his wife going on a cruise with her girlfriends (without him). Was an epic thread....
My question is why do we even have to pay at all when half of the program consists of commercials? Commercials are a way to finance free-to-air programming. I remember back in the day you subscribed to HBO/Max because it had no commercials. That was the model: if it's free, you get commercials. If i...