Favorite team:Alabama 
Interests:College football
Occupation:Civil engineer
Number of Posts:1345
Registered on:5/19/2022
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re: Should Bama join the ACC

Posted by Anand0925 on 12/10/24 at 12:12 pm
[quote]how did that turn out for Alonzo[/quote] Lol not so well but the gif still stands....

re: "We Beat Georgia"

Posted by Anand0925 on 12/10/24 at 12:10 pm
[quote] Why is UGA the only fanbase that isn't allowed to talk shite? Serious question.[/quote] Because you suck at it....

re: Should Bama join the ACC

Posted by Anand0925 on 12/10/24 at 11:56 am
SEC belongs to Bama. Bama is the Alonzo of the SEC [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9c4fvSPeC1qakh43o2_r1_500.gif[/img]...
Maybe I am being spiteful but I kind of want them to get beaten so badly that it kills the rating for their game and the ACC loses more credibility....

re: Tennessee is elite

Posted by Anand0925 on 12/5/24 at 8:27 am
[quote]When will Auburn look at moving on from Hugh Freeze?[/quote] When the hookers are all used up and all the blow is gone. Until then… [img]https://media.tenor.com/w8W8YtdriYUAAAAe/thad-castle-blue-mountain-state.png[/img]...

re: Do you think this guy is okay?

Posted by Anand0925 on 11/3/24 at 11:18 am
The guy had a night of Gamecocks shoved down his throat. He is as happy as any Aggie could be....

re: Hey Jim Sweet

Posted by Anand0925 on 11/3/24 at 11:03 am
Say what you will about Alabama, but I don’t recall Alabama Fans throwing trash on their own field after a loss. Jim Sweet is sweating the upcoming South Carolina game. [img]https://media.tenor.com/HR3YZjYlr_UAAAAM/nervous-sweating-sweating-bullets.gif[/img] But that fan base was trash e...

re: How tf did LSU lose to these bums

Posted by Anand0925 on 11/2/24 at 9:58 pm
[quote] More like how did we lose to LSU’s bum arse team[/quote] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSU6JvOPTwFxmF_YbaBtwT1g9Toab1ZQJL_xA&s[/img]...
[quote]quote: Fulmer is a national championship winning college football HOF coach. FYP[/quote] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRN3s032EOexhdgoIf7eTvGvWFx4UmiKrW-og&usqp=CAU[/img]...

re: Question for Bama Fans

Posted by Anand0925 on 10/8/24 at 11:58 am
[quote]All the Gumps are in hiding.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/dX39WoyQyPIAAAAM/im-not-going-anywhere-matthew-broderick.gif[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/f5Y-JUytgiwAAAAM/im-here-to-stay-babyjake.gif[/img] Can the same be said of WilliamTaylor21 after an LSU loss? ...

re: I feel bad for Coach Saban

Posted by Anand0925 on 10/8/24 at 10:14 am
And yet this is what Coach Saban did to WilleT along with the entire LSU fan’s mental state: [img]https://y.yarn.co/5cefeb9e-12d9-4503-873a-c1029d29cc14_text.gif[/img]...

re: Malachi Moore releases statement

Posted by Anand0925 on 10/7/24 at 11:11 am
[quote]Yep. No Ebonics or rapping so you know he didn't write it.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/1zi0BtJ4watLkGsa9X/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952m47cepqh3j5cbrt6ir52awopkxxl6ano0bao9jmt&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Not gonna lie, it was well done....
Unlike many fans who take this game too seriously I enjoy the wins when they come and take the losses in stride. Watching other teams talking shite about Bama when they are down can be amusing If they are creative about it....
[quote]I like how it doesn’t really rhyme but it’s close enough that you think it does[/quote] Drink enough bourbon and everything sounds like it rhymes to lsu fans....

re: Bama and Vols fans this morning

Posted by Anand0925 on 10/6/24 at 10:05 am
You win some and you lose some…and every now and then you lose to a pimp named Vanderbilt....