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Registered on:4/18/2022
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[quote]Its some awful TV to watch[/quote]Makes me feel even better about being for Trump....
[quote]put me back as a freshman in HS and I wouldn't know how to 'spell' a bunch of 'names' I see in the papers these days - especially amongst the gansta ranks.[/quote] Start with "lil" then avoid all properly spelled words and you're pretty much there....
[quote]The Ronbots have largely given up, but the Foxbots apparently haven't gotten the memo that their guy is a dud like their last guy Jeb![/quote] Technically, their last guy was Biden....
Let's all wish The New Yorker a happy 98 1/2 birthday!! The cover wasn't an insult, it was an attempt to relate some prominent politicians to their average reader. [img]https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/8304-the-new-yorker-cover-2023-october-2-issue.jpg?auto=format%2Ccompress&cs=str...
[quote]One wonders why every Biden elder gaff deserves several duplicate threads, but a thread regarding a Trump elder gaff is deemed indicative of mental instability in the poster who started the thread.[/quote]I'm guessing it's the same "one" with teethmarks in his pillows....
[quote]I wouldn't say that he is lacking in scientific knowledge[/quote]You should be sued for that terrible opinion and the pain it inflicted on all thinking people....
[quote]What the hell is he even talking about in that clip?[/quote]If you had trouble following the gist of what he was saying, maybe we should have age limits for TD posters, set at whatever your age is minus one....
Gen 5 threaded barrel I think... is that a 17?...

re: 'Let Bird Kids Fly’

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/25/23 at 11:53 am
I identify as the Punisher. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcgoxwwcl2u441.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=42cfc83f0c7d9858e710be9030434f91ee800dab101bb91802222a9b12defdc6&ipo=images[/img]...
I agree with the ruling, but.. seriously? "Good intentions"? Maybe they were speaking hypothetically....
FRFF [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FDayg3pdbNYqeAQHAeexFs02xcLgw6IHSb4LmMJVX8NQ.jpg%3Fwidth%3D994%26height%3D520.418848168%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5699763295c067638f4abfc1e716ae96ce07570c&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=04bd3b2103e9ac35152b2824cd04b16f5d66f...

re: One TWEET Just Ended Desantis

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/23/23 at 7:00 pm
I don't want to hear people talk about being a "principled conservative" when they support Rhonda. Self-awareness in in a frighteningly short supply on Team DeSanctus....

re: One TWEET Just Ended Desantis

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/23/23 at 12:51 pm
[quote]Thinking “well, the voters just don’t get it” is the winning pivot at this point, isn’t.[/quote]"They just don't understand what love is."...

re: One TWEET Just Ended Desantis

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/23/23 at 12:51 pm

re: One TWEET Just Ended Desantis

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/23/23 at 12:45 pm
[quote]Instead Trump moved left and brought most of the party with him. (Social Security, Medicare, abortion, spending and farm subsidies)[/quote] Trump's strategy seems to be ingratiating himself with the independents and disappointed Democrats. There is a rightward shift in response to the Left g...

re: One TWEET Just Ended Desantis

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/23/23 at 12:37 pm
[quote]I wonder if he’s figured out yet that the people pushing him didn’t care one bit about actually winning a primary. I wonder more, if he’s figured out how badly they’ve even failed horribly at what their goals actually were.[/quote]He's the guy they brought in to try to cuck the guy that cucke...

re: One TWEET Just Ended Desantis

Posted by VolcanicTiger on 9/23/23 at 12:19 pm
[quote]DeSantis has made a number of errors. Deciding to run wasn’t one of them. Thinking Republican voters would be persuaded by reason was one of them.[/quote][img]https://i.imgflip.com/8062nz.jpg[/img]...
Just the lizard losing its tail to escape and grow it back later....
Surprised they didn't register him as a Republican and log into his social media to follow Trump and other awesome right-wing people....