Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:38
Registered on:10/5/2021
Online Status:Not Online

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This is the person Gruden was talking about. [img]https://i.imgur.com/E2sh5IZ.jpg[/img] He does have big lips but, they aren't as big as a Michelin tire. That is not humanly possible. So, Gruden stated something that is not true and that is wrong. That is why he was fired, for lying. ...
[quote]photos of topless Washington Football Team cheerleaders[/quote] Posting this statement, even though it wasn't something you actually said, is grounds for automatic banning without photos. ...
[quote]All the bama flamers coming out of the woodwork trying to change the narrative. The only teams fans in the sec that shot someone over a football game has been bama fans period. You cant defend the indefensible. I guess it does mean more when there is nothing else in your state to live for.[/q...
[/quote][quote]In Alabama the sanctity of human life falls somewhere below "winning football games" on the priorities list and every Bammer post on this thread reinforces that notion. I've not seen one single Bama fan condemn what happened today. Not one. [/quote] Oh, I get it. Since A&M won ...
Because we don't like lossing a game. What don't you understand?...
[quote]He’s actually Rachel’s (Seth’s wife) dad. [/quote] Oh boy, that opens another can of worms. There might be a lot more to the story when a daughter rips her hand away from her dad like that. Maybe a step-father?...
This is a revealing video. It has nothing to do with football, Small, or A&M, but human nature. The adult man holding Small's girlfriend's hand is not Small's father. I saw a wedding photo and Small's father's name is Ricardo and he is swarthy and dark haired and not a white man. So, I'm guess...
Thanks, Texag. I'm just in time. :lol:...
[quote]I was here for years before I knew who lew was and didn’t even know it was a user name. So yeah, hi altie![/quote] Just because you are stupid doesn't mean everyone is. Stupid people think everyone is stupid because they are stupid and aren't able to comprehend anything other than stupid ...
[quote]One of the cringiest posts I’ve ever seen on here That’s saying something[/quote] As long as you are saying something, that's good enough....
[quote]Don't care for leghumpers either[/quote] I don't either, but Lew is as a fine of a gentleman as has ever existed. He is fair, handsome, gentle, supportive, and even-handed much as an honest and dependable judge is. He exudes confidence while having the discretion to not look down his n...
[quote]I don’t care for Auburn[/quote] :cheers: Well put....
[quote]As long as you guys quit poisoning trees over Auburn. Geez what did they do to you?[/quote] A rivalry can be explained to those who don't have one, but you can't truly understand it. You never wish to see a rival succeed in life, in sports, in love, in finances, or in any form or shape th...
[quote]Justin Time for a whippin'. [/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Fimg%2Finstances%2F500x%2F49604162%2Foh-please-let-it-be-true.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img] ...
[quote]I'm new here also. Where do I go for the tree hugging?[/quote] I despise auburn fans with the red hot intensity of a million suns burning simultaneously directly into my face from 3 feet away. I wish nothing but harm, malice, woe, shame, degradation and humiliation on each and every one...
[quote] It's just someone's 15th alter making the same uninspired thread.[/quote] That is both a bold-faced lie and a bald-faced lie. You don't run into that type of lie often. ...
[quote] Welcome to the board, brand new internet user Justin Time. We are thrilled to have you[/quote] :bow: Thank you, Tuscaloosa. I can't believe I'm getting such a warm welcome from a paragon of the board on my first post. You are quality folk....
to a nasty, disgusting, filthy, rotten, degenerate hoard of limp-wristed hicks from Opelika and West Georgia. If those stump jumping, cow worshiping weirdos somehow manage to luck a win away from the 1980's, it will be pandemonium around here. Just like the 1980's they are playing, auburn fans do...