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Registered on:5/18/2021
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[quote]old timers edition...[/quote] False teeth are being repaired. Had to drink milk. ...
Yes, a Mexican girl in her early 20s that worked at the Green Spot Market in Dalton, GA. To top it all off. She was very nice and friendly to everyone at the store. No conceit and nothing fake about her. The grocery store uniform could not hide her stunning beauty. In the words of one vendor, "s...
[quote]The BRPD has been giving my wife the run around by calling different numbers. Each person is saying something different. Racetrac employees won't help. Racetrac corporate won't help[/quote] File a lawsuit TODAY! That tape has been saved. You can bet your last dollar on that....

re: Atlanta is lost

Posted by Flying Monkey on 5/19/21 at 11:34 am
[quote]Black people as a whole aren't the problem.[/quote] No, they have self-loathing, White liberals assisting them. Together they are a formidable force of destruction. ...

re: Atlanta is lost

Posted by Flying Monkey on 5/19/21 at 11:03 am
[quote]Leftists?[/quote] You're halfway there. ...

re: Beetlejuice is a racist

Posted by Flying Monkey on 5/19/21 at 10:43 am
Why would White people care about what that thing has to say? ...

re: No Demi Lovato thread?

Posted by Flying Monkey on 5/19/21 at 10:41 am
Who? Seriously? Why should I know this person? What does she do?...
That annoying wife also needs a good old Southern cop billy club whipping about the head and shoulders. ...
[quote][img]https://www.atlantatrails.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/chattahoochee-river-trails-atlanta-top-10.jpg[/img][/quote] That's a creek, you city slicker bitch. This is a river. [img]https://i.imgur.com/8chvSm2.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Athletic program that is rouge and scandal ridden[/quote] Alabama. Filthiest program in NCAA history. That old dead drunk wrote the book on cheating. That Obama/Hillary/Biden loving yankee midget perfected it. ...
Size is relative. Our universe may be no larger than the petri dish in which it resides. ...
[quote]Under the settlement, however, the NFL has insisted on using a scoring algorithm on the dementia testing that assumes Black men start with lower cognitive skills[/quote] And?...
[quote]Would the Confederate states had inevitably been overtaken by France or England if they were left to their own? So was it ultimately the right move?[/quote] Had they been able to defeat the Northern Invaders? It took the North a very hard fought 4 years. No way in Hell a foreign invasion ...