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Registered on:4/5/2021
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[quote]Joshjrn[/quote] Hey bitch, frick you...
This has been a long game of the left going back at least a century. ...
Should’ve gone ahead and blown up that piece of shite mosque in Jerusalem too. ...
I’m an equal opportunity hater. I hate all of them equally ...
[quote]Thoughts? [/quote] The left is far....FAR worse and a bigger threat to us than Putin and Russia will EVER be. ...
[quote]The comments are just unbelievable. This country is so fricked. I own a restaurant in Nashville. Nobody in the past 15 years has actually been hired at 7.25 minimum wage.[/quote] Yep. [quote]The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public ...
Why am I supposed to care about this other than the fact that probably 20 other third world shite-holers got through unscathed into this nation? Send em back to their own shite-hole. ...
[quote]Mmkay...It's about girls and they aren't saved by some guy. If that's not the case, you tell me what "postmodern bullshite" is. And that doesn't make a movie bad. It makes a story that little girls love. They don't need to be rescued.[/quote] Your post style is...strange to say the leas...
[quote]Because it's a shite movie. Frozen is objectively terrible. The main theme of it is that when stuff gets hard and you ruin things, you should run away because accountability isn't for pretty girls.[/quote] fricking thank you!...
[quote]This is simply not true. You people are idiots. Quit whining about "privilege" every chance you get and do some research. Pathetic.[/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/da75JuW2HHuBNqOHHE/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9525d47cfba91b7445befc2843aff84addd5e5353ac&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: I hate Beth Dutton

Posted by Dennis Celery on 5/11/21 at 1:34 pm
[quote]She should 100000% be dead, but the writing in the show isn't good so she'll survive[/quote] I just don’t know how she survives. That was a massive explosion indoors. But I agree. ...
[quote]I was a student when Bert Jones played and i used to go early to the game JUST to watch his long throws in warmups. They were beautiful.[/quote] Belichick said he had the best ball of any quarterback he’s ever seen. And that he’d choose him over any quarterback to have on his team. ...
[quote]I don’t pay attention to college football.[/quote] Lame...

re: I hate Beth Dutton

Posted by Dennis Celery on 5/11/21 at 11:25 am
[quote]looking forward to this. Hope they bring back Wade and show how that relationship turned to shite.[/quote] Well it’s set in 1883 so probably not lol. ...
Every single one of those players got STIs via just standing that close to those whores. ...
Good, gimme IC every single day of the week. ...

re: I hate Beth Dutton

Posted by Dennis Celery on 5/11/21 at 9:47 am
Rip or Kayce is going to have to die, obviously. The ranch’s legacy is a Damocles that’s just hanging over the entire scenario that’s going to have to be resolved at some point in this series. I think we’ve got at least another season after this one to solve it. Also, there’s a prequel series co...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.BWT3aDoJU2cqpsG-oDPcLQHaE8%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/0j1pMPcT/F5-FA8-BF1-5-E2-D-4-B2-A-A294-169-D16-AC8-BD9.jpg[/img]...