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re: Harris Campaign Manager

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/10/24 at 11:03 pm
If he agrees to go on NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, or CNN he will lose the debate 1000000% guaranteed. Either Fox or X. That’s it. Every other option will result in a loss....
I think she won the debate but I don’t think it was a slam dunk. She still needs to tell people what she’s gonna do. I also think he did very well with the foreign policy stuff. Also I don’t think it was enough to prop her up towards victory but she did help herself. I don’t think you can deny it. ...
She called for another one? Well prepare yourself. It’s never going to happen. Maybe if NBC or CBS has it but that’s all....
What is frustrating is that EVERYBODY knew that was gonna happen. Y’all were just expecting her to come out and just not be able to answer questions. But she knew all the questions and she had all scripted answers....
I don’t know. I’m feeling a little better about it now. He seems to have got back on topic....

re: Trump just Sh*t the bed

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/10/24 at 8:51 pm
He’s all over the place. There was one thing he didn’t need to do on this stage and he’s falling all over himself. He needs to calm down....

re: He’s taking bait

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/10/24 at 8:39 pm
Agreed. She is serving up cabbage balls and he’s swinging....

re: Yep she got the questions

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/10/24 at 8:28 pm
I’ve seen her cold and not being able to answer anything. But look at her up here now. She had these questions… and this is not good overall. He’ll try to set another debate up but she’ll never do another one. Bet....
Wait a minute… how did she break in there? Muted mics?...

re: Kamala is kicking his arse

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/10/24 at 8:24 pm
I don’t know… I think out the gates she looked good but he;s brought it back even keeled....
She’s doing well… almost like she’s been coached up on every single question, every single answer....
[quote]He needs to stay Cool, calm, & on-topic, but anyone who think she will "destroy herself with her lack of intelligence and blatant gaslighting" is fooling themselves. She's been spending a lot of time prepping for this debate, and despite what people want to think she has a background auguring...
[quote]I for one enjoy the Texas fans being here. It’s fun having another group of Elites around. [/quote] I know you broke out the shiny hook for this one, but weird flex for a team that was nursing a 1 point lead at home over S Florida with 10 mins left....
[quote]Yes, but negligence has to be proven. I know one couple who raised 4 boys. Three turned out great but one was always bad and at 19 got a gun on his own and murdered someone in a robbery. The mom was a friend of mine and said: 'It didn't surprise us. He needs to stay in prison and never get o...

re: Erin Dolan ESPN

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/10/24 at 11:54 am
[quote]just closed my eyes, walked out the room. Got dressed to go lift and call my sister while she cleaned up the mess. [/quote][quote]You didn't go take an immediate shower? [/quote] Yeah... I don't think "Well, time to go lift" would be the most appropriate response....
Bad day for Cade: [link=(https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/41196354/kicker-cade-york-cut-commanders-missing-2-field-goals)]Cade York cut after missing 2 FG's[/link] Drafted in the 4th round to being cut from his 4th team... Hopefully our boy makes it back on a roster. [quote]The Washingto...

re: RIP James Earl Jones

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/9/24 at 4:27 pm
Man, I kinda felt like he was on borrowed time. Sucks. RIP to a legend. My favorite line of his is from Field of Dreams when he says "I'm gonna beat you with this crowbar until it makes you go away" [link=(https://youtu.be/dLmLjwW9Nc0?si=dh4BFFwy8ssCGWw4)]PEACE! LOVE! DOPE![/link]...

re: Erin Dolan ESPN

Posted by Giantkiller on 9/9/24 at 3:37 pm
It shows the gloom of DC that he's riding towards in order to change it. I think it's a legit cover showing just what Biden has done to the capitol. But here comes our change agent....
[quote]Why did Repubs nominate McCain and Romney in 08 and 12 [/quote] Because the establishment Republicans as you know them are natural born losers. I legitimately believe the party realized that they could remain powerful and PROFITABLE being the "party of opposition". They don't want to have...