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I guess we’ll see the outcome of the court ruling on this. This feels like selective enforcement. You can’t tell me UT is the only school with a collective made up of “boosters” doing this prior to May 2022....
Again, in terms of the booster definition, spyer or whatever it is didn’t fit in that definition. It could be run by boosters, it could be funded by boosters, it could be owned by boosters, but the collective itself is an independent entity. As long as they are not promising pay for play at a specif...
Looks like the guidance on reclassifying what a booster is to include collectives and corporations was instituted in May 2022 by the NCAA. For whatever it’s worth, the Nico trip, arranged by Spyer, happened in March 2022. How can the NCAA punish a school for breaking a rule that didn’t exist?...
I’m looking and I can’t find what the exact rule was on booster/NIL activities were….and this is important…at the time the trip happened. The NIL guidance from the NCAA has been a constantly changing mish-mash of unclear rules, guidance, and policies. Charlie Baker even said as such not even 3-month...
What booster flew a recruit to Knoxville? The argument UT is making is that the collective isn't a booster and wasn't classified as such when the trip happened. The NCAA classifying a collective as a booster was done after the fact and the NCAA is now trying to retroactively apply the rule. ...
Tennessee beat 3 of the last 4 national champions this year. Unreal....

re: I hate Alabama

Posted by Clawfense on 10/23/20 at 2:08 pm
[quote]Many recruits I knew were asking why does Fulmer hate Alabama so much. They were saying they did not want to play for such an obsessed coach that would literally do anything, and they would not trust him. You might notice that at about the same time that Alabama went on probation, Tennessee f...

re: I hate Alabama

Posted by Clawfense on 10/23/20 at 12:54 pm
[quote]The ncaa was out to get Alabama due to items that happened in 1992-1994. Fulmer was not the only one to make things up about Alabama, but he also was doing things that the ncaa accused Alabama of doing. To cover it up, Fulmer gave the ncaa what they wanted and the ncaa looked the other way. ...

re: I hate Alabama

Posted by Clawfense on 10/23/20 at 10:48 am
[quote][b]A lot of it was made up.[/b] A car that was mentioned was not even produced until 2 years later. Several people took the ncaa to court and won, and it pissed off the ncaa so they made some trumped up charges and made them stick. [/quote] I don't know, but a lot of it was true too. No? ...

re: I hate Alabama

Posted by Clawfense on 10/23/20 at 10:31 am
[quote]It would have stayed a good natured rivalry if not for the donut king. Tennessee's fault. Sorry.[/quote] It’s amazing that the Bama fans still can’t get this right. I’m no fan of Fulmer, but it wasn’t just him that was a part of that Means fiasco. It was a handful of coaches and at the end...

re: Undefeated Teams vs Power 5 teams

Posted by Clawfense on 11/4/19 at 7:43 am
[quote]ACC blows, I know it, you know it, and everybody reading this post knows it, this is called "trying to put lipstick on a pig"[/quote] Agreed, stats are absolute crap without context. SEC officiating is biased towards Bama. I know it, you know it, and everybody reading this post knows it...
[quote] If that's the first time you've seen favorable homefield clock management, then you must not have watched much football in your lifetime. It was a bit much, and bad management, but if that's the only complaint, then cry more.[/quote] The clock management, phantom time out when UT was...
[quote]That’s not the ref, ya dumb in-bred coonass [/quote] It matters not. All of us with more than 4 brain cells know what’s up. Brother man bammer in the first picture is congratulating him on a great officiating game against UT....
You’re good, no worries. SEC will make sure Bama wins, whether they need the help or not....
[quote] Because they're either whiny bitches or utterly clueless fricks when it comes to the rules of football.[/quote] You are a special kind of stupid aren’t you? I bet you are outraged, utterly outraged it wasn’t called here: [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/HxXcDPv6BwdAJeQ_lIW3NRQ...
Irrelevant. The game wasn’t managed correctly and it was in favor of Bama. Not only that, I don’t think many would say UT would have won had there been fair officiating. But it is a fact with fair officiating the score would have been closer and the way the game would have been viewed would be di...
Yet, Bama doesn’t get called for this. [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/HxXcDPv6BwdAJeQ_lIW3NRQRzWg=/0x0:489x300/720x0/filters:focal(0x0:489x300):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10000765/sackshove.0.gif[/img] The double standard is the outrage here. You Bama yahoos a...
My favorite play was the one right before the half that literally took one second to snap the ball and complete an out pattern. The clock literally didn't run for the entire play then it ran one second off AFTER the Bama wide receiver went out of bounds. Officials never corrected it....