Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:LSU sports, surfing (long boards), back country hiking in the Sierra Nevada
Number of Posts:698
Registered on:8/3/2007
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I think it was a victim and not the shooter per an interview by someone sitting in the front row....
You might want to take a time out and question whether or not to make post 114 because 113 was lacking thought, insight and knowledge of the subject....
I'm at a point where it has gotten impossible for me pick what I despise more...stupid ranter posts and comments or the stupidity of professional politicians....

re: Angel Reese is a clown

Posted by Beached Tiger on 6/16/24 at 1:40 pm
LSU FSU Grad, thanks for clearing this topic up about racism...only whites are racist. Looks like your education was more of indoctrination and nil on critical thinking. ...
There is only one or two reasons as to why this practiced ended. 1) Mike is a millennial and needs his safe space or 2) the millennials in the stadium feel threatened and would run from the stadium for their safe spaces. For those who can't identify sarcasm...this is one....

re: Where are umps from?

Posted by Beached Tiger on 6/1/24 at 4:51 pm
Graduates of the Stevie Wonder School of Umpiring......

re: How Are We Losing

Posted by Beached Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:13 pm
Old man...you would get lost in Tommy's jockstrap....
What pronoun does Travinski identify with?...

re: No Crews to carry this team

Posted by Beached Tiger on 2/17/24 at 4:47 pm
In the Know is lost in the fog of ignorance. That is all.........

re: TAF Rant

Posted by Beached Tiger on 1/29/24 at 1:30 pm
Your use of the term "mouth breathers"...reeks of an elitist a$$ hole. ...
For bird cage poop collecting....
Ed "Too Tall" Jones says hold on there cowboy. He was 6'9". Hudson with a basketball background will be a plus in football. There have been taller NFL players and I believe Arkansas had an All American tackle that was 6'10". Best to wait and see how Hudson matures.Hoping the best for the kid....
Smith is in for a major letdown. Hate to see him make a bad decision but hope it works out for him....
Ideally he will red shirt first year and sit second year and will be an 18 year soph his third year....
How many 5 stars on the 2019 team, smarty pants? Bet it wasn't a boatload. My reply was ON the team in 2019....
I'd bet a beer that our 2019 national champs DID NOT have a boatload of 5 star recruits....