Favorite team:Minnesota 
Interests:Minnesota’s 7 national football titles
Number of Posts:1231
Registered on:3/3/2019
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Bro, you’re not wrong. But we had brave Redditors joining the good fight in Ukraine and forgetting to leave their cellphones at home like 3 years ago now. ...
Which of the myriad of videos out there is she calling manipulated or “deep-fake?” ...

re: I hate Disney World

Posted by Bernie Bierman on 6/16/24 at 5:49 am
Bros, is it possible to take a trip to Disney or 30A and not start a thread on the OT about it? ...
These psychos just can’t leave us alone in any facet of life. ...
[quote]Michaels, who now lives in Miami[/quote] [img]https://preview.redd.it/pz94v4luwt951.jpg?auto=webp&s=e1e2b5befbade7c61973a89947c3fe761ef529ba[/img]...
[quote]I refuse to believe a person like you is actually real[/quote] Propaganda is real and incredibly effective. [img]https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED488/61a5b5836a1aa.jpeg[/img]...
Ol’ Joe and Barry’s administration armed Syrian rebels not that long ago. What was the reason for that again? Thanks in advance. I am pretty forgetful sometimes....
[quote]Only so much you can do with them terrible colors[/quote] Whatever, bro. All the maroon and gold around campus in October when the leaves are changing is quite aesthetic. ...
[quote]Sheinbaum[/quote] [quote]leftist climate scientist[/quote] I’m sure we will see her encourage “climate refugees” to head north to America. ...
[quote]What's this "turning the frogs gay" shite?[/quote] He was actually sort of right about that [link=(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/)]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/[/link]...
[quote]January 6th says Hi.[/quote] Cool. Keep me posted, bro. ...
[quote]And there was much less burning than your fever dreams lead you to believe.[/quote] -More than 1,000 buildings were burned or damaged in Minneapolis in the days after George Floyd’s murder. -In the week after Floyd’s murder, more than 300 buildings in St. Paul were damaged. -The ATF ...
The Trump trial was rigged just like the 2020 election was rigged. I also fully expect the 2024 election to be rigged. I can say this because the democrats have proven that they can’t be honest about anything. ...

re: Julie Kelly got it right

Posted by Bernie Bierman on 5/30/24 at 6:51 pm
[quote]it’s almost like there’s a uni party….[/quote] The faster the average person realizes this the better. ...

re: What was the crime

Posted by Bernie Bierman on 5/30/24 at 5:59 pm
He opposed globalism. That’s very naughty. ...
[quote]Pizzagate was and is real.[/quote] This has been debunked by expert fact checkers. Coincidentally, some of those fact checkers were later exposed as being pedos themselves. ...
Be grateful that we all live in a time when men can menstruate. If our ancestors had the intellect of modern day lefties, we’d probably be terraforming mars by now. ...
[quote]We had a guy who played on the Rockets (albeit briefly) who you are talking about. Is it the same guy?[/quote] Same dood. ...
[quote]He changed the world.[/quote] He sort of did. The resulting riots that were deemed a-ok by public health officials in the height of a deadly pandemic was a major piece of evidence that the virus was a nothing burger. ...