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Registered on:12/12/2018
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He's hoping to ease into House RINO version of Mitch. No thank you. Jim Jordan is the only right answer.

Explain to me why the Core GOP should accept a MAGA candidate as House Speaker?

This is the classic example of the minority holding the government hostage which got them

I would bet my last dollar that the Oberführers' involved in the case won't LET them.

That would probably be more acceptable/easy a road to travel then asking the entire health organization to label blood as to what vaccines the person has had.
Why don't the parents just donate their blood for the surgery?

re: Race in America

Posted by Texaggie96 on 11/30/22 at 12:46 pm
Good video.
Immigration is something that needs to be codified in our constitution. It's literally mentioned nowhere, because at the time, people were essentially free to come and go at their leisure. It was only after the influx of Chinese railroad workers into the west, and criminals from eastern Europe tha

The problem with all those nice portable generators is need for fuel and lower efficiency than field erected power plants. The good news is that micro grids need less balancing than macro.

That and it's harder to take out 1000 generators vs 50 power plants.
I know when I'm staging a coup, I always reach out to my conspiracy bros in America to give them the 411.

But hey keep this on the down low so they don't see it coming, ok?

You guys will believe anything :)

MAGA wing needs to stand firm, if the RINOs elect a dem then make damn sure their vote is on record then primary their arse in a couple years. It all sounds good but seeing we're a banana republic now where votes don't matter its just another nail in the coffin.

MAGA will be on reco

I called this a week or so ago that if McCarthy doesn’t get it the GOPe will vote for a “moderate” democrat speaker to spite the conservative wing

If the MAGA wing won't support anyone but their own, what choice di they have? In what reality do you think the minority partner in a

Apparently they made the helicopter fall with him in it... Another drowned... and another died in his sleep / heart attack... Dangerous times to be a crypto businessman...

I've often wondered if some of the "less than savory" characters that were in the crypto business ever got
Russian businessman dying? Did he fall out of the helicopter?

re: Republicans just gave up in Georgia

Posted by Texaggie96 on 11/29/22 at 11:04 am

America First needs leadership with a long term strategy and with incremental goals if there is going to be any hope of not only saving the constitutional republic but also saving a couple of generations of academically and culturally indoctrinated Marxist Drones.

You'd think after

re: Are you for assisted suicide?

Posted by Texaggie96 on 11/29/22 at 10:48 am

Because children are your responsibility, maybe I should say young children. You suck it up as long as you can

There's a point of diminishing returns. My dad passed away from multiple myeloma. During the latter stages he was oblivious to what was going on around him due to the ma

re: Republicans just gave up in Georgia

Posted by Texaggie96 on 11/29/22 at 10:01 am
Kemp has been campaigning for him, but I just don't see him motivating voters to get out for Herschel. When it was a potential swing vote in the Senate, it was worth electing a glorified lever puller, but now not so much.

I mean, don't. But you can't discredit the entire article because of what you think the site is, that this came from, or that you saw one buzzword that you didn't like. Climb that ladder or stay in your zone. Either way, it has no effect on me.

I certainly can. If a kid walks up t

Well if you're not gonna read it, nor any of the factual data contained within the article, why are you commenting?

My comment was about how calling it the "jab" is childish and reduces the potential audience who looks at it as a political article written by an angsty teenager or

re: Are you for assisted suicide?

Posted by Texaggie96 on 11/29/22 at 9:43 am
I don't see why having children would factor into the equation. If you are terminally ill and unable to work, you're effectively a drain on society's resources, and likely will burn any inheritance, leaving those kids in a worse situation then if you'd just taken yourself out early on.

If someon

Do you dispute the data presented? If not, then what they call it should not matter.

Explain to me why I should read an article with a clear cut agenda. I don't have the time to cross-check all the information from an article like that, it's simply a waste of my time.

I ce
I'll be honest. It's hard to take any "news" article seriously that calls the COVID vaccine, "the jab". It's like angsty teenagers are writing this stuff.