Favorite team:Missouri 
Interests:God and Football
Number of Posts:2080
Registered on:10/29/2018
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re: Lmao @ Mizzou fans

Posted by Tigerfan0318 on 2/11/25 at 9:22 pm

Me, too. I'm from STL, and most people here hate the Chiefs and their owner who helped pave the way for the Rams and Kroenke to move to LA.

Ok, my friend, I am calling horse shite on this one. St. Louis lost their team because they would not give Kroenke a new stadium with those lux

re: Lmao @ Mizzou fans

Posted by Tigerfan0318 on 2/11/25 at 9:19 pm

I just know Mizzou fans care more about the Chiefs than anything since Mizzou athletics is such Mid Poo.

Dude with all respect and not looking for an argument, but where do you get this information from?

Clemson- Game Cancelled by Voodoo Magic so we can actually win an opener.
LaTech- Win
Florida- Win
Ole Miss- Win
Vandy- Win
Aggie- Win
Bama- Win
Hawgs- Win
Western Kentucky- Win
Oklahoma- Win


Well, nothing wrong setting high standards

re: Good game Mizzou

Posted by Tigerfan0318 on 2/5/25 at 9:50 pm
Meh, our boys tried.

Scoring droughts and a hot-shooting team doesn't mix well. Tennessee is tough.

Of all the bitching about Missouri on this board this has to be the dumbest I've seen

No, the dumbest is the weekly, "Kick Missouri out of the SEC," which we all know, ain't happening.

They only time place I've ever heard anyone say pop in Missouri is just South of the Iowa line in N.E. MO

That is what I was thinking. Missouri resident all my life, and we always say Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, etc.

Home of the throwed rolls?

Ya know, I lived in MIssouri all my life and I have never been to Lambert's Cafe, Home of the Throwed Rolls I guess it is simply something to experience, someday..

re: Arkansas fans….

Posted by Tigerfan0318 on 2/4/25 at 8:12 pm
I mentioned a couple of weeks back that Nolan Richardson and Norm Stewart participated in a basketball camp a few years back, talking to the young players about the fundamentals of basketball.

Sure hope those kids took it all in and carried that advice with them.

It’s because we all like pointing and laughing at y’all’s lead bitch-boy cry about having the truth pointed out to him.

It’s like watching a killer whale play around with a dead baby seal. Hard to change the channel.

Oh look...another LSU poster commenting on Mizzou. This is ne
And now we are 4 pages of coversation of a school that supposedly isn't in the SEC.

re: Be kind to Jrv2damac

Posted by Tigerfan0318 on 2/3/25 at 6:58 pm

Kansas sucks

I will upvote this all day!
South Carolina, Vandy, and Kentucky. Florida is ok.
Well, l mean, you haven't accepted the only date you will ever get is with your step-sister twice removed, so, we all have our challenges.
Last year, Gates had several key injuries and was playing with a make-shift team. Not finding excuses for last year, but that is what we were told and I guess, judging from this year, I guess it was true.
The answer is in the question.
Because playing in the state of Missouri makes everyone better?

re: I’m for Buffalo!

Posted by Tigerfan0318 on 1/26/25 at 9:17 pm

Those of us in the east side of the state have one thing to say….

Go Bills.

What my fellow Tiger actually means is, "People in St. Louis say Go Bills!"

Cities that have lost two NFL teams over the past 40 years generally say things like this.

Oh, by the way, St. Louis also