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Location:Cherry Valley CA
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Registered on:11/6/2017
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So, how about become a powerhouse first, *then* announce it?

The only place I hear this sad drivel is on this site and from LSU fans. No media or other fan base talks about asterisks.

I feel sorry for what the LSU fanbase has become.

I have a load of family who are LSU fans. They have their own drama issues (like all of us) but none of t
If asterisks are required (which I don't believe they are -- like it or not, he earned his NCs) and if you're serious (if you are, this is a cry for help), you could add the same for Bear Bryant too.

He had a split one with USC from 78.
They have one from 73 (I think) but got beat by Notre Dame.

Would love to see this board the day after Bielema was hired.


Reading that old post .... funny all the Bama fans trolling errrrrr telling Hog fans that he is going to be a great hire!


Shitty trolls and dumbasses like this OP are ruining what could be a really cool place to discuss SEC sports.

Maybe but this is FAR from the worst even from the last 2-3 days.

re: Amani Toomer Calls Out Harbaugh

Posted by RichRyder on 12/10/17 at 2:09 pm
"He and Brady Hoke are neck and neck"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Why would Clemson want in when they can dominate ACC forever? I'm pretty sure this is the same reason why Florida State never bothered with coming to the SEC.
Was very impressed with Kerryon while watching the Iron Bowl. Also, against Georgia. Personally, I thought he deserved more consideration than 9th place. He really stepped up against Bama and made their run defense look ordinary.

re: Serious Question about Bama Fans

Posted by RichRyder on 12/10/17 at 8:03 am

Spending Friday night in the drunk tank doesn't really qualify as 'business' but congrats on making bail.

Maybe it does for some people? :dunno:

As a Dawg fan, I would prefer to see a UGA v Clemson game. An old rivalry that would be exciting to watch.

This is the game I want to see.

So enjoy Jimbo, but just know that until you beat us, you’re still our little brother bitch. You’re the fourth-best program in the West, at best right now behind Alabama, Auburn and LSU and that’s not changing until at least November. Enjoy your offseason.

Was a good post until thi

I'm interested in seeing which is the more dominant force. Chokelehoma or Clemsoning

Agreed. All signs do point to an all-SEC NC game which will suck for those of us outside the conference (but can understand you guys that are not LSU fans being excited about it).

Baker Mayfield has proven his entire career he plays his best in big games.

Maybe I've missed it but which ones so far?

I think he can win it but so far, he's had a great game against Ohio State this season but that's really *it* when it's counted. Do tell.

ETA: I really thin

re: Serious Question about Bama Fans

Posted by RichRyder on 12/9/17 at 4:26 pm
No one from any part of the South should be making remarks on other Southerners' teeth. Or inbreeding. Or trailer parks.


This literally makes no sense. Wisconsin did to Iowa what Iowa did to OSU. If what you said was true then Wisky should have boatraced OSU like they did Iowa. But they didn’t. The Big Ten is not the strongest conference but it’s a hell of a lot better than it was 6 or 7 years ago.

The 4 best teams ARE the 4 most deserving teams.

Have NEVER understood what this best teams vs deserving teams shite means.

That means 4 best teams period. Conference titles are nice but they don't mean anything unless they help determine the 4 best teams. Don't see what's so hard about that.

Avocado ice cream

Damn. Do they actually make that?

L7U is not our Little Brother. You are more like our Eddie Haskell.

Boogs are our little brother.

This ^^ as the bammer says.