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Location:Steel City
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Registered on:10/18/2017
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we have two players in CBM and Johni that love the theatre.

Does anyone know the backstory of this tattoo?

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Come on man, they play @UT, @Mizzou, @AU, AU, UF, UK, @Ark, and @Texas. That is every bit as brutal as our schedule.

You’re right. I guess I was just thinking Ark and Tx were going to be easier games.

Didn’t realize it will be away games for them.

Agreed. Tough 6 games for sure.

I’m concerned about Bama. We have a gauntlet left, whereas only their last 3 will be rough.

No +1 when Moore gets bumped under the rim yet Pett gets called for the phantom bump behind the arch… refs are trash

Isn’t this the 4th 3pt foul call??

Don’t let fouls run away where the other teams shoots 35-40 FTs

I think there should be a rule if you’re down by X amount under 2 minutes you can’t initiate a foul to send to the line.

It erks me 2 minutes turn into 8 for in hand games

Get the coffee flowing, Lanier. Maybe take a late afternoon nap.

I wonder if we will set the late game slot record this year too…

At least that’s how it feels for this ole timer :cheers:

re: AU Ole Miss Game Thread

Posted by Fearless_and_True on 2/4/25 at 11:21 am

2 votes short of unanimous in the coaches poll.

Are they published?

Duke and Bammer? :rolleyes:

re: AU Ole Miss Game Thread

Posted by Fearless_and_True on 2/1/25 at 5:43 pm

Corch.. where are you with the count-up??

Corch… Bueller… COOORCH

I will give you until Midnight (Auburn time) to give the quad 1 update or we will be forced to step in by proxy


re: AU Ole Miss Game Thread

Posted by Fearless_and_True on 2/1/25 at 4:38 pm

This team, it feels like they can’t lose…they are getting everybody’s best shot as well

We are gelling well right now! When Broome went down, everyone was saying 2 losses would be amazing.

Corch.. where are you with the count-up??

What did the tweet say, anyone know?

Prayers and head scalped apparently

It gets stressful, but what a fun thing to be on the AU side of.

I’m enjoying this, but explain how Petti had a tremendous impact vs. Broome?

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Cardwell giving Aubie a piggy back ride!!! some please gif that

Please someone follow through!

Screenshot at the least!

We sure are missing a lot of uncontested shots

Could the ball be over inflated??

Not a fun day for ranked teams today.

That’s my satire on our newest basketball expert.. only comes out to NegaBarn us


Vandy escapes 1 point win in a wild one the last 2 minutes

Is AUSC @ the game scouting for us? Since he’s been involved with Basketball his entire life?

He’s been MIA since USCe thread. I want his expertise on the Denver foul and the no push-off call on the throw in..

Was i