Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Truth or Consequences
Biography:a rolling stone gathers no moss
Interests:history, fishing, hiking, politics, ecology
Occupation:hunter/ gatherer
Number of Posts:1236
Registered on:12/12/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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2500 Chevy or dodge truck BMW 3 series e30 Porsche with off road tires [img]https://coolmaterial.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Own-One-of-Three-Off-Road-Porsche-911s-3.jpg[/img] [img]https://www-torquenews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/www.torquenews.com/sites/default/files/images/23_ram_...
Saw a truck load of them headed west in west Texas on i10 recently; however, part of me suspected that it might be a clever marketing ploy by Elon to hire a driver to drive a certain stretch of west Texas ( that represents his target customer base) with a trailer loaded with Tesla trucks ( 4 tru...
[quote]Which adults? All of you on tLeft are dumb as frick[/quote] You don’t know me. Stop generalizing and tell me one specific issue you disagree with me on. ...
[quote]Why is a criminal who kills a pregnant woman charged with two murders?[/quote] I support this, but to my knowledge , there has been no bill passed where a father has to pay child support for an unborn child. ...
[quote]Just wanted to thank you, teamjackson, and the rest of the squad for your TDS melts tonight. I have been laughing my arse off.[/quote] I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself buddy. . Just hang tight while the adults try to sort out the problems of this country. I’ll try to get you some play...
[quote]Abortion kills another human being.[/quote] A fetus and a born living human begin are 2 different things for frick sake. Do my swimmers count as human beings? Are fetuses counted in the US census? Do fetuses pay taxes? Should fetuses get welfare? Do fetuses get to vote? If a woman h...
If you’re asking whether I support a woman who was raped getting an abortion , then yes I would support her right to get an abortion and not carry a rapists child, assuming police report and rape kit confirm the circumstances. Next question. ...
[quote]Liberal fricking cuck lmao!!! Melt bitch[/quote] So original. Did you come up with that all by yourself? ...
[quote]GOPe did not gAF about the wall and fought trump on it.[/quote] How’s that my fault fat bastard? I didn’t vote for them. I just pointed out the fact trump sucks at working with others even his own party and is an ineffective leader. I guess it’s just easier for you to just blame every...
[quote]1. Don’t you have to be 21 to own a handgun? [/quote] No it’s 18. Thanks for proving my point. ...
[quote]Oh, you are a baby killer. [/quote] No I’m not . I’m pro choice . I’m not a woman or the father to be or a doctor . It’s got nothing to do with me . How am I a baby killer for admitting I should have nothing to say on what a random woman does with her reproductive system? That’s l...
[quote]Did he not get the wall started in the worse parts?[/quote] Is that what you told your teacher when didn’t finish your homework (campaign promises)? “Well I didn’t secure the border, but I started it..even though I had a Republican majority in Congress” I started it, so can I still ge...
[quote]utilitarian logic[/quote] How is Jeffrey dahmers motive UTILITARIAN logic? It’s not Sherlock. Utilitarian means : the greatest good for the greatest number. ...
[quote]Only some LPB producer, old arse liberal teacher or weird media acolyte would say such a thing.[/quote] Thanks for the compliments, I’m just a layman however. I do know , many hundred thousands of private and public dollars are being paid to French teachers in Louisiana to teach students ...
[quote]Which morality do you want to dominate?[/quote] We don’t give a flip about “morality” that’s just subjective BS. we want logic. Just plain utilitarian logic. No more , no less. ...
[quote]bet you’re ok with open borders though[/quote] No I’m not : the fundamentalist religious crusade happening in this country is being perpetrated by Protestant evangelicals, not Mexicans . They are trying to change our democracy into a theocracy like Iran and Iraq. Mexicans aren’t taking...
[quote]voting for the people who've gotten us $34 trillion in debt while our border is overrun.[/quote] You realize trump added trillions himself to the nations debt while in office and failed to secure the Mexican border despite having a Republican majority in Congress right? ...
[quote]the Louisiana coast was doomed when they built levees on all the rivers. You do understand how a deltaic plain is formed and maintained, right?[/quote] Yeah I do, just because leeves were built as a result of 1927 flood, doesn’t mean we have to be stubborn dumbfricks and not change the gam...
1. Electing billionaires to solve the problems of the middle class. 2. Banning French in Louisiana in schools 1921- 1960 because French was equivalent with lower class. 3. Sacrificing the Louisiana coast to give tax credits to big oil and gas without requirement to create jobs or coastal res...
To be honest, I think the prequel books , House Atredies, Harkonnen, Corrino ( respectively ) would be a great ( better) film trilogy. This is because it gives so much backstory to the atredies and harkonnen rivalry and much more depth about “ known universe “ , spacing guild, Planet Ix , lan...