Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Location:New Orleans, LA/Portland, OR
Number of Posts:48769
Registered on:11/26/2006
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Are you offended by some small comment I made? [/quote]no, I just take it as a sign that some things and places really aren't worth the time anymore. There's really no point for me to post here anymore. A lot of it in recent years has just been for my own amusements. [quote]I know that you h...
Aren't you the one who made a thread wondering where I've been when I didn't post here for a while? ..Yeah, I don't really need this place anyways. ...
[quote]You've got to be good friends with the pawn shop owners[/quote][img]https://media.tenor.com/NKO9zN6OzDIAAAAC/steve-buscemi-frick-all-that.gif[/img]...
[quote]I think it's ignorant to put all cops under the same umbrella[/quote] They put themselves.. Even their dog's life is worth as much as your's. Meanwhile they can execute your animals and not get reprimanded. ...
[quote]He's only 19[/quote] frick, I'd been playing for a decade by that point. :lol: I wish guitars would've never disappeared from a generation, as a result pawn shops now have jack shite. Now that's a nostalgic thing I really do miss, stacked options on pawn shop guitars, which results in lowe...
Being disappointed in the current state of popular music too doesn't help my hopes of better tomorrows either. Saw they had a Video Mucis Awards on MTV recently. Why should a network that doesn't even play music get the privilege of hosting such an event? To showcase the names most of us are tir...
It made you try harder though..that's the thing about those types of limitations. Then the excitement of playing it back in the car or something. Those were fun times, I wish I still had all those cassettes I used to. I had garbage bags full that were ruined in Katrina. Most of the friends I was...
[quote]You privileged little punk [/quote]compared to what you can get now? I worked to get the 4 track, before that was recording onto 2 boom boxes with 1 playing a drum track. That was just the 1st [b]real[/b] piece of equipment I got as far as home recording went in the 90s....
[quote]my very rough "scratch" recordings are with a 13 year old MacBook pro, a focusrite solo, my acoustic guitar, and ableton live lite lol.[/quote] [img]https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/s--YZQNykxx--/a_exif,c_limit,e_unsharp_mask:80,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_south,h_1600,q_80,w_1600/v14891...
The Burbs..some of my favorite Tom Hanks work tbh. Miss his pre-dramatic shift...
[quote]I would quit my job[/quote]I wouldn't I'd hire more people, but show up just to talk shite to everyone whenever I want. And have a couple guys like Khabib Nurmagomedov to follow me around in case someone gives me any lip ...
[quote]quote: I do not see how the dome could do this. Grow Lights.[/quote] ..I can do it. I could do this for us....

re: Carr's biggest weakness

Posted by SEClint on 9/13/23 at 6:20 pm
His coaching and OLine ...
If going a professional route, You should seek out professionals. Luckily the ones worth a shite are usually credited. May cost you, but you pay for results. Mixing and mastering are also different. But honestly,..nowadays..its easier now than ever before for doingnsome things on your own. Y...
Well..100% guarantee to get laid that night if you do....
[img]https://i.imgur.com/JWqy0LP.jpg[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/NkY6PXs.jpg[/img] Also go see the Goatwhore and Eyehategod tour....