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Registered on:11/17/2016
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[quote]Biden saying that big corporations will pay this energy tax is the exact same thing as Trump saying China will pay for the tariffs.[/quote] Tariffs offer an incentive to onshore manufacturing and jobs. A tax on energy production provides no such positive benefit....
When you hear someone use that phrase - ask them why they are undocumented....
I’m sure there are reasons to argue that it wouldn’t work, but some kind of a boring robot would come in super handy here....

re: Young women are delusional

Posted by RonLaFlamme on 4/19/24 at 11:19 am
Had trouble deciding if I should upvote the embedded video or downvote for the content within said video. I upvoted....
[quote]witnessed[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMmd0d3pxZHFycmlleHVtamZ1cjZ2bzhkd3BkNXU3NnZkd3BmcjBkeSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3s0QuxoSX6DgdnGFoE/giphy.gif[/img]...
The ballot space belongs to the party. They would place someone else on the ballot....
Can you give a summary? I'm not watching 50 minutes of Ted friggin Cruz. Did he give a speech or did he do something?...
Thanks for sharing. This is a different era than what I was referring to, but I’ll check it out. Lost Tribes / British Israelism legend dates to 6th century BC - this is 1500 + years later....
Do share - I’m familiar enough with the story but I’ve never seen any respected historical evidence....
There’s also the legend that Britain is descended from the lost tribes of Israel. ...
So why exactly would that make you Team Green? Nobody voted for the idiot Aegon either....
Wasn’t Zeno Sokovian intelligence? Maybe they had connections to Hydra or their spies uncovered it....
Natasha would’ve known as well then. She also kept her mouth shut....
Is it really her birthday or is that people shite-posting on her feed? Not like anyone here is going to know the answer to that, but just an even odder twist to the story....
I think you should entertain the idea that it was always propaganda and people are finally waking up to it. I’ve said many times, once you’ve seen it - it can’t be unseen. Redpill vs Bluepill...
Usedtacould as in I usedtacould drink a case of beer in a day and not feel bad the next day....
[quote]If you had an off day and only $100 to blow, WWYD?[/quote] [img]https://gifdb.com/images/high/office-space-lawrence-two-chicks-at-the-same-time-99u3352e1ua4ot86.webp[/img]...
The easiest follow up to her non response of what is a woman would have been....Are you a woman? And watch her tie herself further into knots....
Do you have a dog? I had a dog that ate a pair of panties and then barfed or pooped it out when we got home. Took me a while to figure it out....