Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Southeast Alabama
Biography:A sometimes sarcastic gentleman
Interests:College Football, Politics
Occupation:Mental Health
Number of Posts:937
Registered on:4/2/2016
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re: Will Philly burn tonight?

Posted by BCBAMA on 2/9/25 at 7:13 pm
It certainly looks that way
The impact is incredible morally, spiritually, and socially. It has provided a template that has allowed humanity, often in spite of itself, to come to this point in history.
Hopefully she spends every day of the rest of her life imprisoned
Congratulations to Coach Cochran!
No, not hardly. Especially whenever everyone considers that we will see vastly improved quarterback play this year when compared to last year.
Coach loved the college game. LSU is one of the best jobs out there. I have great memories of watching the 2003 SEC title game in person the year LSU won the national championship. We can all pick at each other in fun, but the truth is that LSU fans are great. I had an awesome time before, durin
Pastors are supposed to preach the word of God and spread the Gospel, not to spread the opinion of a small percentage of the population. Galatians 6:7 says, "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap". This verse means that people will receive the conseque
I love this dude more and more. His interview on Rogan was great.
I really hope that you are doing an act that is poor trolling. If you really feel that way, I don’t even know where to start.
Hello Michigan. The earth will literally crack there if OSU wins the title. Money spent so far will be a drop in the bucket compared to what will come if that happens..

re: 5* OT Ty Haywood did not sign

Posted by BCBAMA on 1/13/25 at 2:18 pm
This has been known for weeks. Parents signed with an “NIL consultant.” Michigan bound and millions richer.

re: 2026 No. 6 WR to Auburn

Posted by BCBAMA on 1/13/25 at 2:17 pm
Yay Yella Fella
Anyone who thinks that Scam and his dad didn’t get paid is a complete idiot or is either a person complicit in the payment. It is an absolute insult to ask or state anything to the contrary. The buying of Newton is very well known. What is interesting, is attempting to estimate the value that he wo

re: Buying a national title

Posted by BCBAMA on 1/11/25 at 9:28 am
It’s really hilarious to me whenever people like yourself continue to blame illegal recruiting as the reason for outright dominance. But if it makes you feel better, carry on. The hides of many schools are on Nick Saban‘s wall. And before that, they were on Coach Bryant’s wall.
He will do better at another school, with a fresh start, in my opinion. He didn’t fit the scheme, and there are rumblings about receptivity to coaching. Hopefully those are all false.

re: Prayers for the Smart family

Posted by BCBAMA on 1/4/25 at 6:18 pm
I’m very sorry to hear this news. Prayers sent up for the Smart family.
It’s been in the back of my mind for a few days in reference to what the end of season meetings would yield. I know part of that discussion is how much each particular player will factor into plans for the upcoming season.
In all fairness, my friend, it’s going to take a while for all of us to get it out of our system.