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Biography:Leonard Fournette;s burner account
Number of Posts:36
Registered on:10/17/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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Lol not a deflection. Just answering a dumb question with a dumb answer. To answer your next question: Of course he could. He’s the most talented QB in the history of the sport. He’s a couple sneezes from having four super bowls in five seasons. Had he been drafted into a different situation, he w...
Considering he was sixteen and had probably never taken a snap as starting QB as of the 2012 draft, I would say he would have struggled miserably through four seasons of his rookie contract and switched to baseball. Colts GM would have been fired within minutes of the selection, and Andrew Luck woul...
Posts like these make me see the pitfalls in educating kids with Down’s Syndrome. ...
I think the reason the Chiefs were upset is that Toney had been lining up like that the entire game, and if the refs wanted to be consistent, they would have called that in the first quarter, and then again in the second quarter. Instead, they ignored it half a dozen times, and waited until there we...
[quote]If she’s the best ever, then she probably shouldn’t be a 2.0, no?[/quote] Right, because, as we all know, 2.0 means “worse” [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ld1jklxv45rkiu2uphz9jzuny5d1uou5jvhq2o63&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]I won’t get on my knees and suck another man off for his life decisions sorry .[/quote] So then [i]why[/i] do you get on your knees and suck other men off? “Life decisions” seems as good a reason as any...
Dude, I agree. I had a buddy who said he plays like booty meat. But booty meat is awesome. So he plays awesome. Wow. I fkn love butts, you guys. ...
I have known Carlton Funderburke my whole life (I always had a pretty good memory, even for a baby) and he has ALWAYS, ALWAYS placed his god first and his congregation second. Apparently he found a sweet spot there between first and second, but who’s counting. ...
Sisyphus is fantastic. Nothing will top Otis Redding though...
I've seen lots of bbq recs but I haven't seen anyone mention The Peanut, which has the greatest bar food known to man. When I was in middle school, I was there and met a morbidly obese family from Buffalo, NY, who proclaimed the wings to be the best they'd ever had, even better than the Anchor bar. ...
It was obviously none of those things. ...
[quote]Over 800,000 fetuses were aborted in 2019 in this country. Outcry schmoutcry. [/quote] Over a million fetuses aborted in 2020! Although the cause of death in nearly 30% of those fetuses were attributed to COVID. So you can keep hiding behind your strawman but the truth will set you free!...
[quote]After giving TulaneLSU a ton of hate on here, i was thinking...maybe he’s a good dude. Just maybe lonely, bored, and likes to reminisce about random things. No more hate from me. Weird arse threads, but no more hate. [/quote] I’m sure TulaneLSU is thrilled to have your stamp of approval....
can someone help me post the pic?...
no i dint see that., but that's okay i was born in 1989 ...
i think imgur is down right now [link=(http://m.imgur.com/W8OpqHU)]LINK[/link]...