Favorite team:Georgia 
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Registered on:6/16/2015
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[quote]So i gotta foot the bill for other peoples kids?? frick that[/quote] Other peoples kids are expected to pay your part of the national debt when you are gone, so why not?...

re: HELP

Posted by Dawgfanman on 7/26/24 at 7:11 pm
Was the 9000 or a chunk of it from a recent deposit?...
Do you want to go to Eastern Europe to fight Russians? If so, sign up. ...
Why should the childless get to benefit from that spending and not pay their fair share?...

re: The Fulmer Cup

Posted by Dawgfanman on 7/26/24 at 5:23 pm
Another one? Number of Posts: 2 Registered on: 7/26/2024...
Why should people who aren’t saving for retirement be punished with higher taxes? ...
[quote]A bunch of "conservatives " in this thread wanting the government to show favoritism. So typical.[/quote] Not as typical as the libs wanting to raise taxes on families with kids. Y’all did increase childhood poverty more than ever in history so not surprising. ...
[quote] My point remains, it’s as dumb to run “gotchas” about someone’s grandfather who has been dead for over 100 years, be it Trump’s or Harris’s.[/quote] I am 100% positive any Republican politician whose relative was the largest trafficker of African Slaves in Jamaica would be a subject of di...
We already do this via tax credits for children, deductions for childcare, etc. I don’t think either party is winning by advocating we eliminate those....
[quote]Will you admit the TRUTH that, IF we start looking at what people’s distant relatives did, it is equally as hypocritical for Trump to complain about immigration as it is for Harris to complain about the long term effects of post-slavery?[/quote] Trumps father legally immigrated, Trump comp...
Does all this come from the nearly 1/3rd of democrats who believe the entire thing was faked? Can we have the media openly discuss that?...
[quote]What’s the point of this? Trump’s grandfather was a German draft dodger who came to the US as an (oh no!) immigrant and was a conman who dabbled in illegal gambling and prostitution. So what.[/quote] So not a plantation owner and human trafficker?...
[quote]So if you don't have kids you are bad and need to be punished with a higher tax rate than people with kids, because people with kids are good..[/quote] We already do this. You propose we get rid of the child tax credits?...
They are handing out free Metformin and test strips upon entrance to the event. ...

re: Doing a campus tour at UGA today

Posted by Dawgfanman on 7/26/24 at 10:36 am
[quote]imjustafatkid[/quote] Good luck with this process. It’s a lot of pressure on these kids. Make sure she picks some backup schools and explore scholarship and honors college chances at those. Lots of cool things out there at some smaller schools. ...

re: Rara Thomas arrested

Posted by Dawgfanman on 7/26/24 at 10:11 am
[quote]You must be a little child. When I grew up in the 80s that was mild punishment. Gen Xers were beaten with belts and worse. We used to cut our own switches to then get beaten with by our parents. In today’s world, a child cannot be physically punished without consequences for the parent. That...

re: Disney Adults...What an odd group.

Posted by Dawgfanman on 7/26/24 at 10:05 am
My Neice, her husband, and their 4 year old have been 6 times this year and 8 last year. They love a 10 hour drive away. Can’t imagine how much this costs them. And they aren’t “rich” but just kinda solidly middle class (maybe 150k income)....
[quote]I’m sure the admin loves being portrayed in a negative light monthly at the cost of winning 10+ football games.[/quote] Winning 12+ a year, on average, if you exclude Covid shortened season. ...

re: Doing a campus tour at UGA today

Posted by Dawgfanman on 7/26/24 at 9:54 am
[quote]Your kid is getting propaganda from top schools because they want you, and everyone else in the world, to apply so they can reject you. They want to keep their admission % as low as possible to appear to be as selective as possible.[/quote] This. My kid had a 1390 SAT, 10 AP scores of 4 or...