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Dances with Possums

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Registered on:2/12/2015
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He "exploited S-Corporation Loophole?" This Trump-taxes story seems to have really hit a nerve. There's something about somebody who claims his net worth exceeds 10 billion dollars paying no income taxes in 10 out of 15 years that strikes the average teacher/fireman/police...
My bet: the NY Times has documented how campaign dollars were converted to Trump Org dollars. That's illegal, of course. And it ties into the Trump.Org financial issues. The Times wrote that this is an ongoing series and Parscale is fully aware which shoes will drop next. ...
Trump this morning: [quote]I have long said that I may release my financial Statements, from the time I announced I was going to run for President, showing all properties, assets and debts..[/quote] LOL. In the first place, he didn't say he "may" release his financial statements, he said...
[quote]"They" are the same people who torpedoed Jack Ryan's senate race against BHO by illegally leaking Ryan's divorce information (Ryan was apparently a perv who liked swinger clubs). Without that leak Ryan likely wins the IL senate election and BHO doesn't become a Senator and the rest never happ...
Abraham Lincoln paid almost three times more income tax in 1864 than Donald Trump did in 2016. Not more as a share of his income. More in taxes. Lincoln paid $1981.67 in federal taxes on a salary of $25,000 in 1864-1865. Trump paid $750 in 2016, about one-third what Lincoln paid, but 151 years later...
[quote]It's literally the only reason [/quote] Really? It's literally the only reason? A four-trillion dollar deficit this year might not enter their calculations? A cratering U.S. economy might not be a factor? The thousands of lies he's told since becoming President? The fact that he pa...
[quote]When Trump wins, those GOPers that turned on him are done ....They can kiss their political careers over..[/quote] Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug. ...

re: No Mask, No Care

Posted by Dances with Possums on 9/28/20 at 10:09 am
Germany has 1/4 the population of the United States. Italy has approximately 1/5 the population of the United States. France also has approximately 1/5 the population of the United States. South Korea has approximately 1/6 the population of the United States. Seven day moving average number of d...
[quote]I'm convinced Trump's camp did this.[/quote] Of course you are....
[quote]Still voting for him.[/quote] Of course you are. The psychic pain that would come with admitting that you've been had by a two-bit huckster would be hard to deal with....
Yes. What trade-offs would a president with this level of indebtedness be willing to make to save face?...

re: I love Mike Leach

Posted by Dances with Possums on 9/28/20 at 1:29 am
I love Mike Leach, too. What I love best about him is the fact that A&M could have had him for three mil per year and not signed him to a 10 year deal but instead they took Jimbo for more than twice that for 10 years, so now we get to see Leach slice and dice them and show them how crazy stupid the...
[quote]I don't get this charade.[/quote] There's a deadly pandemic afoot and masks have been shown to be effective in helping stop its spread. The Germans, Japanese and Koreans out front should have told you. ...
His campaign is dead-dog broke so blocking a given phone number does nothing because they will just use a different one. All Trump campaign advertising, staging, catering & security should be CASH UP FRONT so you don't get stiffed by Trump like taxpayers in cities like Washington DC, El Paso and var...
[quote]Yippy Dippy [/quote] So why won't Trump release his, as every Presidential candidate since 1976 has? Why won't he release his when he said he would on nine different occasions? Why won't he release them to Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, as he is legally required to...
Trump's campaign managers: • Paul Manafort – Convicted of multiple felonies, sentenced to prison. • Rick Gates – Convicted, sentenced to jail. • Brad Parscale – Barricades in home armed, committed. The best people. ...
Both Parscale and his former boss have been laundering money. But it is a good question: how does a campaign take in a billion dollars and still be broke? ...
The grift is beyond staggering. ...
Good lord ... a 70 thousand dollar writeoff for hair care ... in one year? Also, I almost lost this: in several of the years, per his tax statements, Trump lost more money than any other individual American. Given that there are roughly 330 million of us, that takes a special kind of incompetenc...