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Location:Palm Beach, FL
Number of Posts:1669
Registered on:6/3/2006
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Lol literally your previous post was “y’all will complain about anything”. Then you go and complain about this ...
[quote]Tre's D after Monday nights game even after he made the play of the series last night to give us a chance for the win?[/quote] I don't think you are using this phrase correctly....
[quote]I'd guess they do have interns or staffers monitoring possible sources of information including TD. Not for opinions necessarily, but for any news or facts. Not as their primary source of intelligence gathering but to be complete. And maybe to keep an eye out for leaks. And to be honest, TD i...
I haven’t seen people say he’s leaving ...
So are we still mad? Need to know how I’m supposed to feel...
I’m surprised there hasn’t been 100 posts about white saying lsu since people always get their panties in a wad when he didn’t ...

re: Redshirt question

Posted by X Carter Is Fast on 9/11/22 at 9:41 am
What 3 other games do you see him getting in that would burn his redshirt? Why not play him...

re: From the boot

Posted by X Carter Is Fast on 8/28/22 at 6:28 pm
If the image was reversed the numbers would be reversed ...

re: Jaden Hill 8/24 update

Posted by X Carter Is Fast on 8/28/22 at 6:43 am
You take runs divided by innings pitched times 9...

re: Jaden Hill 8/24 update

Posted by X Carter Is Fast on 8/28/22 at 6:42 am
No that is right ...
Isn’t this the guy who reported $15 mil a year for Kelly ...
[quote]He said stoops would be the coach[/quote] No he didn’t ...

re: 2022 Final Four

Posted by X Carter Is Fast on 5/11/21 at 8:02 am
I guess a lot changes in two months. Back then we were hoping for the NIT...
No i don’t see a problem...
I don’t think it’s a crazy concept that a kid gets a bumpsimply because Nick saban used one of his 25 scholarships on him. I would think Nick has a pretty gauge of talent ...
What I don’t get is how people are acting like drew brees was the worst qb in history this past year. And somehow replacing him turns the saints into a .500 team. By the logic of people here qb play will improve regardless of who it is. ...

re: I give up.

Posted by X Carter Is Fast on 10/12/20 at 11:03 pm
Nah frick you. You people bitch and then say I told you so when they lose. Then also pull this shite when they win. ...