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Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Vidalia, La
Number of Posts:4451
Registered on:11/10/2013
Online Status:Not Online

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Sark and DeBoer too high, Stoops and Freeze too low....
[quote]Why didn't they do this with Obama?[/quote] Bc they didn’t want Obama out, dude. Besides, who do you think is the puppeteer in the dem party? Hint: it’s OBAMA....
This is how they clear out Kamala after they boot pedo Joe. Dems are behind this all....
Something that hit me the other night that Joe said was that they are obviously in the process of cooking up WAY more lawfare issues to accuse Trump of in the future. If we think that if Trump wins things will be different, we better buckle up. Because these communists are FULLY invested in destro...
[quote]The Ten Commandments are not the basis of out legal system.[/quote] You say that yet you probably think it’s legally right to jail Trump for paying off a consenting stripper for sex, yet show “grace” and “mercy” to Hunter and Joe for being pedos…...
[quote] Public schools have no business telling students to honor the sabbath or that any entity is the only God they are allowed to have.[/quote] Well then, we need to purge the whole “…endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights…” part of the Constitution from being taught in our ...
[quote]Obviously because teaching children to read and count is exactly the same thing as them learning to honor the sabbath[/quote] I mean, as a basic principle of learning… yes. Although, I would deem learning to honor the sabbath (along with the other 9 commandments) as being an even more imp...
[quote]I don't have faith that there are people with backbones to stand up to the anarchist of this state and country. They will wilt like a snowflake in the hot louisiana summer sun.[/quote] I don’t have faith in the strength of people based on their own merit, but I have faith in God to strengt...
[quote]There is no way you believe a poster on a wall is going to change behavior in schools.[/quote] Is that why there are “ABC and 1,2,3” posters in every single classroom in America? Because it doesn’t help drive home and reinforce a learning point? Besides, if it doesn’t have any effect, ...
I GUARANTEE that, while it might offend A FEW libtard parents, they will appreciate the fact that their kids will act better. Libtard Parents, kids, and schools will reap the benefits of this being done… but they will NEVER be humble enough to admit it....
[quote]And admittedly bought by Republican donors.[/quote] You misspelled “John Roberts”, “blackmailed”, and “Democrat Marxist Trash”…...
Dems think we are as stupid as their constituents. Truth is, anyone with half a brain can see they let him off easy. He should be standing trial for treason-as should his father, his uncle Barak, and half of the dem commies running the show in Washington right now....

It’s ok!

Posted by sumtimeitbeslikedat on 6/1/24 at 5:52 pm
Y’all know our guys don’t even realize there’s a baseball game going on until the 8th inning. They’ll make a run then....
SEC just keeps adding the riff-raff, don’t we…...
[quote]Wonder why? I also wonder why Russia waited until about 5 seconds after Trump left office to attack Ukraine? I wonder why our economy sucks arse right now but didn’t with Trump? I wonder why the dollar gets you nowhere but didn’t with Trump? Things that make you go “hmmmm”[/quote] Oh, b...
[quote]Calling him a rapist because that’s what a civil court of law said. You might not like it but doesn’t make it any less true according to a civil court of law[/quote] Texas, please come pick up your commie libtard trash....

re: When Do Layoffs Start

Posted by sumtimeitbeslikedat on 5/23/24 at 10:19 pm
This paying players mess and NIL is the biggest crock of BS I’ve ever seen in sports. And I’ve lived long enough to see some crocks…...
[quote]They are both done for the SEC tourney.[/quote] So, who are you thinking will start? Ack maybe?...
[quote]No way. frick the SEC if it’s not LSU.[/quote] If you had said Bama, then I’d agree w you. But, cmon, don’t be that guy on everyone....