According to a report by Clay Travis of OTC, Urban Meyer turned in Florida assistant coach Brian White to the NCAA for an alleged recruiting “bump” — a secondary violation that involves a coach deliberately “bumping into” a player during a recruiting dead period. The worst part? Not only is Meyer the former coach of the Gators, but he actually hired White himself. From Travis’ report...

"Meyer’s willingness to turn in a former coach — one he hired — as well as the program he led for six seasons is unheard of in college athletics. Indeed, no one Outkick the Coverage talked with could recall a former coach turning in his former program and a former assistant coach. [...] While no wrongdoing was uncovered based on White’s alleged violation, the top recruit that both Ohio State and Florida were pursuing recently announced his final five choices: Alabama, Notre Dame, Miami, Rutgers and Ohio State. No Florida."
The NCAA’s investigation into the bump in the spring uncovered no wrongdoing, according to Travis.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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adawgj139 months
It takes a special loser to have anything to do with UF so this isnt suprising.
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Tiger in NY140 months
POS. Wouldn't do shite about his thug murdering players, but is more than happy to turn in someone who helped him win a couple titles after the fact. Hope he has another heart attack.
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JermStone140 months
After a little research I found out he was gone from Florida already.
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JermStone140 months
So he'll turn a coach in for a bump but will turn a blind eye to Aaron Hernandez shooting someone in the face. Sounds about right.
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The Jackson 4140 months
what a P.O.S.
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