In what we suppose is becoming a bizarre late winter/early spring ritual, Steve Spurrier recently oversaw South Carolina’s practice in half a birthday suit. This despite the fact that the temperature in Columbia in March has yet to exceed 58 degrees...

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MickeyMouse141 months
The ole ball coach at it again....He is a Winner!!
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Chris Warner141 months
Not tat Heisman.
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Pankins141 months
epic grampa swagger
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How is the fricks of all fracks is this a news worthy story? Larry guess how I know you are a flaming homo or a terrible troller also you just suck at life in general do us all a favor & just end it!
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scrooster141 months
The HBC don't give a fat baby's butt ... that's what we love about the guy. What you see is what you get with SOS.
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Broyota2141 months
all he's missing is a natty lite
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Crompdaddy8141 months
USC Wildboys
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stonedbegonias141 months
Good Lord! His belly button is five inches wide.
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Foolish cock141 months
Oh noooo. Not again.
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slinger1317141 months
Not an uncommon look for Spurrier. I used to go to his football camp at Florida and when we would come back for the afternoon practice he would have his shirt off and golf shoes on. Dude is definitely a cool cat.
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