Jadeveon Clowney will play football for South Carolina in 2013. The cover of the team’s spring prospectus sought to remind you of that, with the definitive moment of impact from “the hit.”

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Dothan Tiger143 months
And he recovered the fumble!
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scrooster143 months
Haters gonna hate. Here's the thing about that hit that people forget. SC had just been raped with perhaps one of the worst calls in history - the magic first down that was actually 6 inches short after the fake punt. Michigan has all the momentum, it was late in the 4th qtr. Clowney completely took control of that game with one play, and he told everyone he was about to do it before he did it. The hit is going to go-down as legend for just that reason. It also catapulted him into Heisman talk heading into 2013 after they had been calling him the best player in College Football most of the game. It is worthy of the attention it is still getting and yes, SCAR should milk it for all it is worth.
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JBearden143 months
I love that movie !
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pellietigersaint143 months
It was a great hit. however, homeboys ridiculous dreads likely make his helmet not fit as it should thus making it pop off easier.
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Wholelottacock143 months
Jelly Hugo?
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Hugo Stiglitz143 months
Milking it for everything it's worth.
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