Johnny Football is not liking the close eye of the spotlight. Not sure what got him all worked up, but he took to Twitter to voice some frustrations.

"Bullsh*t like tonight is a reason I can't wait to leave college station...whenever it may be."
The Tweet has already been deleted and he probably use the hack excuse, but this move does not help his image.

UPDATE: He did post this Tweet later...

"Don't ever forget that I love A&M with all of my heart, but please please walk a day in my shoes."
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Herman Frisco140 months
If he doesn't at least meet his last season numbers there will be a lot of poeple saying he was a one hit wonder. All hat-no goats.
They do have goat farns at A+M don't they?
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skullopener140 months
This twitter crap needs to stop. Schools should ban the players from using social media to air out their frustrations. Nothing good ever comes out of it and it becomes another distraction for rest of the team!!!!
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blueboy140 months
4 out of 5 psychological warriors recommend proliferating this article as widely as possible. sorry, johnny. next time, try impulse control.
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