According to the Honey Badger’s twitter page, he is hosting a party before the draft for the “first round pick” in the upcoming 2013 NFL Draft...

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bayouballs142 months
Talking about a football risk. Guess you did misunderstand what "besides his off the field issues" meant. I can try to re-word it to make it simpler for you. Let me know.
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the LSUSaint142 months
bayouballs, you think TM is LESS of a risk that Tebow? I must be reading something wrong or misunderstanding that comment.
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YMCA142 months
He probably didn't make this. He probably got paid by some nightclub to use his name and image to get people to the club. I had a guy that woked for me in SC that would pay people to put them on the club flyers in order to get people in the dorr. It doesn't say he will be there.
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bayouballs142 months
I don't blame him. Who'd of thunk that Tim Tebow would of went in the first round? Mathieu's a better baller than Tebow, and seems less of a risk besides his off the field issues. He could be a money making machine, also. I wish him well.
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the LSUSaint142 months
He must be throwing a party for Mingo and Reid
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