Forget museums or the zoo, these first graders got to go to Tiger Stadium for their field trip. LSU senior associate athletic director for external affairs Herb Vincent tweeted out some pictures of them having the time of their life...

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JermStone141 months
Is it ok for a grown man to be jealous of a first grader?
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Itreallydoesmatter141 months
has lsu just won 7 SEC titles?
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Dingeaux141 months
are only U High kids allowed to go on field trips to Tiger Stadium?
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pjcantrelle141 months
Also '35, '36, '86 & '88
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TJRibMe141 months
Never to early to start recruiting
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YMCA141 months
Is that Dylan Moses in the first pic?
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Tommy Patel141 months
I remember that field trip, lots of dads volunteered to chaperone
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mograyback141 months
Brainwash those little kiddies.. fans for life. Good move.
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PsychTiger141 months
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