This is a bit much. A Kentucky fan has offered up his wife on New Orleans Craigslist to score himself a ticket to the Final Four to see his Wildcats play.

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Here's what it says if you can't read it...


“I am a UK fan wanting to go to the Final Four in N’Oleans. I have put up my wife as collateral. She can make you speak 5 languages you never knew you could speak. I am not feeling my best so I have to use my sexy mama to get me to the game.

“She is completely game, is a litte (sic) picky, but if you make her howl at the moon while making her speak portugese (sic) or something I don’t get out of her then by all means…..have at it and let me see my UK Wildcats!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Yes it is bad to do this, but it (sic) the Kentucky faithful dammit. Look out for the Bluegrass State and hook this pimp up okay?”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Harry Caray155 months
yeah, no way that's his actual wife. dude is a legit pimp.
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Tom da Tigah155 months
yeah where da pix be?
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UKWildcatsFAN155 months
I'm sure he wont miss his sister.
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stonedbegonias155 months
I did the same thing to get Saints Super Bowl tickets, my wife is still in Miami. :(
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Ghostfacedistiller155 months
That seems reasonable
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NocturnalTiger155 months
posting useless without pics...
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