Ole Miss's Marshall Henderson spent 25 days in jail last spring for violation of the terms of his probation stemming from a 2010 forgery charge. The reason that probation was revoked? According to a USA Today report, Henderson tested positive for cocaine, marijuana and alcohol in January 2012.

“We were aware of the issues from Marshall’s past when he signed,” Ole Miss athletic director Kyle Campbell said in an email to USA Today. “Those misdemeanor charges have been addressed through the legal process, and there have been no issues since he has been a part of our program.”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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pellietigersaint144 months
go black bears. cocaine for everyone. yay!
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Jester144 months
I think I've got it figured out. He usually sticks to pot, but got drunk last night, woke up hungover, and in order to get his wits about him snorted a rail this morning before heading off to the test.
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Jester144 months
Did he smoke a primo and drink a 40 on the way to the test?
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Walt OReilly144 months
who gives a shite...not a big deal at all
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Walt OReilly144 months
who gives a shite...not a big deal at all
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jeff70121144 months
Now, I won't tell what school but when I was a freshman living in a dorm all you had to do was walk down the hallway to get high. I will tell you the year was 1976. Weed was all over the place and pretty much everyone toked. The difference now is you don't know what's in the stuff. I am not shocked that college kids smoke weed. However if you know you will get tested (on a D1 team) it's probably not a good idea. That's where the psychological addiction comes in play. Some of these kids know the risk, but can't break the psychological addiction. Bottom line, don't smoke that crap!
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Fenwick86144 months
Yeah thats what I meant, 100% or college students use those drugs....of course not. Just saying its not out of the norm and to criticize college students (kids mostly) for making a mistake involving drugs is ignorant and self-serving.
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BayouBandit24144 months
definitely not everybody bruh
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Fenwick86144 months
OMG, He tested positive for coke, weed, and alcohol??? What a scumba....oh wait, everybody does that in college.
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GTHTSUN144 months
Classy guy.
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