Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:16763
Registered on:8/10/2010
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These old guys need to stop doing all those drugs
Can’t wait for the historical figure AI porn to drop

4 is Autumn Ren 3 is Marie Dee

Nudes on Reddit.
Whether it be hot as frick or disgusting, I’m still entertained. I’d say nothing

re: For those 55+ on TRT

Posted by BayouBandit24 on 1/17/25 at 10:22 pm
That’s a lot of work to just frick your ugly wife baw

You can take airline.

Thanks. I was thinking this would end up being my only option. I’ll just have to account for the extra travel time :cheers:
Does anyone know if they ever close the Spillway Bridge between Baton Rouge and New Orleans due to freezes? I’m supposed to be flying out of MSY Tuesday morning….
If only they had fire extinguishing bollards in place this never would have happened
Example? Us plebs don’t keep up regularly with this type of stuff
Call me old school, but kenneling a dog isn’t a big deal. Also, a doggy door into a fenced area is ideal.

re: Truck heater not heating

Posted by BayouBandit24 on 1/7/25 at 9:50 am
My 2016 was doing this and when I checked it turned out my coolant was low. Topped it off and now it’s working fine. Worth a check
The best thing to do and most non-controversial is to divide it equally amongst the kids.
Don’t let the FBI convince you to get close to the stage for a picture
No reason to have SEC loyalty at this point in the college football world.

re: Best NY Eve coverage?

Posted by BayouBandit24 on 12/31/24 at 11:06 pm
Did the ball drop just mess up or am I crazy?