Bret Bielema took a little shot at his former employer, Wisconsin by tweeting how happy he was to be at a program willing to invest to keep assistants from leaving. Bielema claimed assistant salaries were a major reason he left Wisconsin. The Badgers did have an exodus after 2011, with six assistants leaving, but it is not clear how that could have been prevented. Here's his tweet...

"Can't say THANK YOU enough to UA administration & support to keep our staff together when others come calling to hire away. #WPS #GoHogsGo"

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Tigerfan53144 months
This is really reaching for a story.
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BamaInBlanchard144 months
Larry Larry Larry..When you start re-posting Bret Bielema tweets, it's time to shoot yourself.
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happyhappyjoyjoy144 months
I mean subtle shot. Seemed fine to me.
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happyhappyjoyjoy144 months
Wait where's the pot shot?
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Hog on the Hill144 months
2beez owns your head, Larry
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idlewatcher144 months
If no assistants were ever hired away, there would never be any new coaches.
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CtotheVrzrbck144 months
weak pot shot TD.
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