South Carolina Equipment unveiled these new Under Armour “Blur Speed” cleats that the team will be rocking for the 2014 season...
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roguetiger15122 months
Young man? I've got my masters. But keep believing you have a team worth a shite
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scrooster122 months
lulz at roguetiger15. I remember when my Son was 15 and he suffered from the adolescent Air Jordan shoe-obsession jealousy disorder. Don't worry roughtiger15 ... you'll grow-out-of-it one day. Sophomore years in high school are awkward (if you've actually made it that far). I get it, shoes are important at this stage in your life. Just wait until you see your first pair of Cole Haan Air Carters young man.
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roguetiger15122 months
Maybe if you click your heels three times you'll be worth a shite.
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JumpingTheShark122 months
I know the customization is mostly in the technology of the cleats...but if I am going to get customized cleats, I would expect more creative aesthetics than one fricking stripe across the side.
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