During ESPN's coverage of the SEC Media Days on Tuesday, Paul Finebaum shockingly came out and said that this year's SEC may be overrated...

(Per CollegeSpun)
Filed Under: SEC Football
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kudzoo110 months
Just Finebaum being his usual obnoxious self seeking attention.
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LoveThatMoney110 months
Finebaum: "Oh, look! A hornets' nest! I think I shall poke it."

*Finebaum pokes the nearby hornets' nest with a stick. Hornets swarm all over his body, causing his TV and radio ratings to skyrocket.*

Finebaum: "Yes! Yes! Shower me with your hatred!"

*Finebaum goes to bank with a fat bonus check from ESPN.*
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weagle99110 months
Anytime Auburn might do well = SEC is down

This was a troll at Auburn. blee dat
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Dignan110 months
I'm in the minority, but he may be right.
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PeaRidgeWatash110 months
Translation... His show's ratings are down and he's wanting to bring in a wider audience.
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Fireman17110 months
F Bomb talking his self out of a job?
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WicKed WayZ110 months
Finebaum also thinks Saban has a golden penis.
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Street Hawk110 months
I think he meant Alabama is overrated. What has Saban done for them recently?
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Luke110 months
Setting the excuse for why AU will be SEC champions already...
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SamuelClemens110 months
Finebaum knows how to stir interest in himself
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Rebel Land Shark110 months
That was a long video
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