Ole Miss WR Laquon Treadwell suffered a bad dislocated left ankle and broken left fibula while trying to cross the goal line at the end of Saturday night’s game against Auburn. The play resulted in a fumble and a Rebels loss. Despite Treadwell's devastating injury, he posted a very inspiring and positive message to Instagram on Sunday morning...

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atltiger6487124 months
terrible injury but I love his attitude. This sounds strange, but he's actually lucky it's a bone break instead of ligament tears. Bones heal quickly and once they do, they're 100%. Ligament tears (especially knee) are a different matter.
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TNG8r124 months
hate this happens to anyone... Hope for a speedy recovery.
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Thracken13124 months
as an Auburn fan, I also wish him a speedy recovery.
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BoudreauxinGA124 months
As an LSU fan, I never pull for Ole Miss. But LaQuon played inspired yesterday and I really wish him a speedy recovery. He is an amazing playmaker.
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earl keese124 months
Terrible injury. Good luck and stay positive young Mr. Treadwell.
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Auburnfast124 months
I am a Auburn Fan , but that was a bad injury , Prayers to you on a speedy recovery . You played a awesome game and don't need to hang you head ..
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theBru124 months
Good luck LT1, monster player that you are, I know you will be back...just wish you would have hung onto the to watch gumps cry, whether they are blue or red ones..
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