Here are Ole Miss students sprinting to their tailgate spots at 10:00 AM ET on Friday morning, trying to get a good area for when “GameDay” airs. On your marks, get set, go...

Filed Under: SEC Football
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SwayzeBalla121 months
This shite happens every week, just not as early.

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Dr. Morgus121 months
I remember my first beer
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diddydirtyAubie121 months
What a waste of time. GameDay in person blows. These fools wouldn't know any better though.
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stat19121 months
Does it have to be wealthy alumni that are paying these people to hold the spot? Couldn't it just be some average guy that wants to be a part of the Grove experience. You toss the "wealthy" adjective around like Ole Miss is full of blue blood aristocracy when they're basically just southern folk playing dress up and eating on paper plates with plastic ware.
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earl keese121 months
Relax TheLSUriot.I'm not "on my fricking high horse". I didn't mean to offend you and HailFreezusOver. Just having a little fun.
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TheLSUriot121 months
eta: meant *question* not 'answer' in that last line.
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TheLSUriot121 months
Let us look at this. Cameron starts off by saying "this is so stupid' and blatently disrespecting another school's traditions. Why? Because he is ignorant, plan and simple. Cameron goes on to sound like a a teenage drama queen in posing his question in such a sarcastic way. No reason for the insult if he was genuinely seeking information.
So NO, Earl. He did not ask a simple enough answer so get off your fricking high horse.
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earl keese121 months
Seems like Cameron asked a simple enough question. HailFreezusOver, what's your problem? Are you tense about the beatdown that awaits the Rebel Blackbears tomorrow? Just so you know, I hope Ole Miss beats Bama.
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HailFreezusOver121 months
Well Cameron Cooke you are obviously ill informed and have no clue what you are talking about.. So let me enlighten you good sir.

Who keeps them from claiming spots? that would be OMPD who clear out the grove and if people are not cleared out prior to friday they will be detained for trespassing.
Who "holds" the spots you ask? well they can not put up tents until 7 tonight. so those young men and women well sit on their area and lay claim to it until their compatriots are allowed to bring the tents. and a lot of them are getting paid to do so by wealthy Alumni. And once the tent is set up no one will violate or move it because we have morals and ethics unlike you corndog eating mouth breathing cajuns. There is order to our chaos. And thats why its an event "The Grove" enjoy watching it on ESPN tomorrow while trying to get the mustard stains out of your clothes.
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Cameron Cooke121 months
This is so stupid. Who seriously keeps them from claiming the spots before then and who "holds" the spot until Saturday morning?
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TDFreak121 months
They will leave the stadium in a similar fashion after Bama scores their first TD!
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HailFreezusOver121 months
WOW its like the running of the sorority girls on Sorority BID Day for the Frats. Hope you fellas got close to the stage and look forward to seeing your tents on gameday.
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