Georgia Puts Todd Gurley Mural Up At Practice Facility
Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
Former Georgia RB Todd Gurley left a lasting impression in Athens achieving over 3,000 yards in just 30 games. He's now almost a month away from the NFL Draft and the beginning of his career at the next level. On Tuesday, the Bulldogs unveiled this new “T to the G” mural at its practice facility to pay tribute to him...
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gatortrav88114 months
damn 3000 yds in 30 games thats a hell of a stat there
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Croot114 months
No Gurly did not sign it but Marshall tried to steal it.
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KAVandy05114 months
So it covers what, 90% of the facility's wallspace?
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Pavoloco83114 months
Seems weird. Gurley sat out 4 games due to an NCAA rules violation and Nick Chubb is every bit the running back that Gurley was but more durable.
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Mulerider114 months
That would be called an offensive face mask. Of course it happens multiple times a game and is never called so I guess that is fitting.
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weagle99114 months
Did Gurley sign the mural?
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