Bielema Finds It Funny CFB Programs Have “No Guns
Nelson Chenault-USA TODAY Sports
It's very common practice for college football programs to post a list of their team’s core goals and values within their facilities. Those lists have things like respect, studying for class and some programs like Ohio State and Texas, have “no guns/weapons” listed. Arkansas coach Bret Bielema finds this hilarious...
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I think it's odd, but maybe some of this kids just need that kind of discipline and reminder to stay on track.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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bhamtbone121 months
what about the hunters on the team?
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derSturm37121 months
Haha. A 22 year-old football player shouldn't need a gun (unless maybe he's a kicker). 22 year-old football players are why the rest of us need guns!
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Brosef Stalin17121 months
TopsInAmericaTim ....what?
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TopsInAmericaTim121 months
Uh... No. There's this thing called the constitution. And this other thing called history... every tyrant starts with confiscation of the proletariat's weapons... FOREVER. No. We shouldn't be more concerned with finding another football player that will tongue a man on National TV than we should be the proper education of the masses... You are flouridated and conditioned to the New World Order's agenda... moron. Up Vote Bert.
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SemperAuburn121 months
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SemperAuburn121 months
I think it's bullshite that they have that rule period. Student athlete's have a right to self-protection going to and living the locker room.
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LSU Rules07121 months
I totally agree with the coach. why would any student athlete need a gun at the practice facility? if you have to remind them about something like that then they probably shouldn't be in your program
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