Missouri wide receiver Keyon Dilosa sent out a message on Twitter Tuesday to support his teammate Maty Mauk.

Mauk a junior quarterback from Kenton, Ohio was suspended on Tuesday for a video that surfaced Monday of Mauk engaging in drug-related activities, but the video is two years old according to his teammates.

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AUbagman109 months
People are so sad, always vying to ruin the lives of others, and for what? A viral video? I think a lot of it stems from people being too afraid to concentrate on themselves and their own shortcomings because they know they wouldn't like what they see, so they sit in judgement of others.
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TommyDaTiger109 months
So do you think the guy who had the video also had a jump to conclusions matt? And he used said matt do decide if he was gonna post the video or not?
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dcbl109 months
hopefully, this suspension is just posturing & is rescinded for the season if he is indeed clean now
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Good teammate.
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