In a response to the #FreeDevinWhite billboards that were put up in Birmingham, AL, Alabama fans have raised money to fund their own billboards in Baton Rouge...

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Here's is what their GoFundMe page said:

Do #FreeDevinWhite billboards seem ignorant and misguided to you?

If so, this is the place for you! Donate your money more intelligently, strategically, and sympathetically.

While LSU fans waste their money on meaningless billboards based on a conspiracy theory between The University Of Alabama and the Southeastern Conference offices in Birmingham, we are starting this campaign to raise money for hurricane relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Michael, which devastated parts of the Eastern United States in early October.

This hurricane has not received anywhere near the amount of media coverage it should’ve and these people still need help! It caused damage in excess of $8.1 billion.

Stop giving money to meaningless conspiracy theories and give it to people who need your help!

If we raise more than $2,000 we will even rent a billboard in Baton Rouge encouraging donations to these relief efforts (with a Roll Tide on it if course). If we do not reach at least $2,000 by Friday, November 2nd, any and all proceeds will be donated directly to the American Red Cross.

(The campaign we will be donating to is "Hurricane Michael: Disaster Relief and Donations" by American Red Cross)

Have a blessed day and Roll Tide!
Saturday can't get here soon enough.
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Undertow75 months
Of all the charities, they chose the Red Cross. The same Red Cross that gets in hot water after every disaster for putting such a small percentage of donations towards that disaster.
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nolatiger71175 months
Why is Alabama, located in Tuscaloosa, responding to #FreeDevinWhite billboards directed at the SEC Office in Birmingham, where the billboards where put up?
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nolatiger71175 months
*were (before anyone corrects it)
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Undertow75 months
#freedevinwhite billboard must have touched a nerve. Deep down they know the collusion is real.
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stho38175 months
1) You can't read the billboard because it's small white font on a red background. 2) You raised $2400, spent $2,100 on gofundme and the billboard, gave $300 to the red cross......nailed it 3) It's pretty pathetic that you chose to include victims of a natural disaster as fodder in a rivalry.
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GumboPot75 months
50 cents? If that's all Tua's dropping the LSU D will look all world and LSU will roll to victory. Or Tua goes down hurt early.
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